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Everything posted by Airterrys

  1. It requests a test of the prop governor shaft which is anchored by a set screw accessible from inside the case. I will try to find a copy of the instruction and put it up here.
  2. Bought my 94 with about 1450tt and planned to run it 400-500 till overhaul. At first annual it did not pass shop recommended lycoming SI-1650 and was grounded. At over 100k and 9 months later I have an overhauled engine being reinstalled as I write and will be waiting another 4 months for a turbo v-band clamp. Last I heard the wait for a factory reman was 1.5-2years. Just posting so that you can hear what happens when you loose the gamble. Do your research and hope for the best, best of luck! I love the airplane but would rather be flying. If anyone has a lead on the v-band clamp, I would love to hear about it.
  3. Any updates? My shop was just told me their supplier has pushed back to October for the vband clamp.
  4. Thanks, I didn’t think welding a cast piece was acceptable, I will keep it in mind if I can’t find a suitable replacement.
  5. Pretty deep, engine is torn down and case is out to be reworked, factory reman is as much as 1.5yrs out, hopefully I can get the two parts I need sooner than I could get a factory engine.
  6. This is my first time publishing on this forum, but I have been an avid reader since I brought home my first Mooney, a TLS that I bought from Jimmy a year and a half ago. It went into its second annual with me at TG here in CA and now has a comfy spot on their ramp awaiting an engine overhaul after failing lycoming SI 1560. I thought I had it made when I found a shop that would take it without a 8month-1.5year wait, and was able to find six brand new lycoming bravo cylinders. Turns out the engine was not in good shape and we have been working hard to procure parts. We have hit a roadblock with a badly cracked left alternator bracket with part number #07A19873 printed on the part, Lycoming lists the new number for that bracket as #07A22097. Anybody know where I might find one? I am also standing by for the coveted v-band clamp.
  7. In my Bravo, I fold the rear seats down and give my 100# Rottweiler the run of the cargo area with a tether that latches his harness into the rear seatbelt for safety. He is usually asleep by 3000’ and helps my wife and I out with wt and ballance. I also do many PNP flights but only with crates. Took 4 puppies and 2 medium dogs in three separate crates on my last PNP run.
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