Looking for thoughts from those smarter than me who understand the Garmin high speed data bus and RS232 connection architecture. I'll be following up later this week with my avionics shop to discuss system integration and redundancy with the new panel (primarily how the G500TXi, GFC500, GTN650Xi, GNX375, GI275 ADAHRS, GI275 EIS, GTR205 and Aera 760 will be tied together) so I've been trying to educate myself on how data moves between systems and how Garmin expects (via STC) the units to be interfaced. A couple of my expectations (some of which may need to be challenged):
- G500TXi is primary flight display; if the GDU1060 fails, then the GI275 ADAHRS becomes primary flight display.
- GFC500 autopilot is driven only by the GI275 ADAHRS (i.e., if that GI275 fails, I no longer have an autopilot)
- In addition to the GI275 ADAHRS being the backup AI, can it be configured to act as a MFD so I can use it either for traffic display or second EIS page?
- GTN650Xi is #1 GPS/Nav/Comm and primary Nav source for GFC500; if the GTN fails, I want the GNX375 to pick up GPS duties for the autopilot and the PFD.
- GNX375 is #2 GPS and source for ADS-B In traffic and weather (ADS-B In data to be available on the G500TXi, the GTN650Xi, the GI275, and the Aera 760)
- Aera 760 is yoke mounted and treated as a backup display hardwired to the GNX375 for both MapMX data and ADS-B In data. Bluetooth connection to be determined.
- GTR 205 is #2 Comm with hardwire connection with Aera 760 to allow radio frequency input from the 760.
- Database Sync updates all systems with nav database and EFB pubs (charts, smart taxi, etc)
I'm sure this primative architecture drawing isn't the 'right' solution but what would need to be changed to gain as much functionality as listed above given the limited data ports available on each device?