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MoMooneyMoProblems last won the day on March 17 2023

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About MoMooneyMoProblems

  • Birthday 07/18/1981

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    Chattanooga, TN
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  1. On a recent xc I noticed that my ship CHT gauge was bouncing around (in smooth air) from 375-450 while my JPI 700 had them all consistently at 350-360. I know we all primarily just use the EDM when we have one, but any concern from this? I think of the analog gauge as a backup should the EDM go out mid-flight. Any chance the EDM is faulty and the ship CHT is correct?
  2. Thanks Skip! Setting both to M20P worked. Thought I had tried that already but guess not
  3. Yep I have M20P on filing type but M20J for type in logbook settings. I’ll try to cycle a few more syncs
  4. GP isn’t accepting the ICAO aircraft type for M20J, M20P, M20 etc. when I try to pull a briefing on my VFR flight plan. I’ve looked all around for a solution and all I could find was M20P as the ICAO type for my J. Have tried entering every possible variant I could think of but to no avail. Thanks I’m advance
  5. Well I’m a couple weeks late in sharing, but completed my first ever solo and excited that it was in my M20J! Sure beats the 152s I started my training in. And man does she just jump off the runway without my meatball CFI tagging along Been a long time coming with relearning everything after switching to the Mooney, mag rebuild and SureFly install, winter weather, etc etc. Have done a few solos and dual XCs since, with XC solo slated for next week.
  6. I ordered one from Air Power a few weeks ago. Slightly cheaper too.
  7. Thanks! I’m new to the area and training with Hixson Aviation at CHA. Looked at basing at FGU but waiting lists were too long
  8. @DCarlton Also more details on this particular listing here
  9. It was actually on eBay of all places, with a reference to the auction posted on TAP later. Older pilot that was just getting out and was poorly marketed but a excellent plane with a fresh annual and two iPad pros thrown in too. Previous owner also filled the tanks up and delivered it 400 miles to me for just his return ticket home. I’m new to aviation…but far from the typical transaction. Very happy
  10. Well our new (and first) plane was delivered and closed on this Friday! Going to be pretty painful to see her sitting there 2-3 times a week while I finish up my PPL, but that’s the price of seizing a great opportunity rather than doing everything in the “right order”. Thankful for all the things I’ve learned here on MS so far!
  11. Actually eBay vehicle bids and auctions are considered non-binding which is why I quickly had a "real" purchase agreement executed (based on AOPA's template). Basically eBay just served as facilitator and escrow holder for the deposit, but all else is now just like any other buttoned up purchase transaction.
  12. Good point. I just talked to the mechanic and told him I wouldn't be hurt if he left a few panels off until Monday
  13. @Tim-37419 Holy hell, I was just at FGU the other day looking for hangar space! I know a guy there with a Debonair for sale so might try to grab his. Will certainly look out for you!
  14. Plot twist...I'm the one that won the eBay auction Monday night. Proud new future Mooney owner here!! Owner messaged the top bidders that the compressions that afternoon came back as 75, 76, 75 and 80 (its having its annual done all this week). Everything is inked on a purchase agreement I sent over to them yesterday. Regarding the price, it seems like they're just looking to get rid of it as they were using to commute to family that recently passed away. I'm heading to Little Rock on Sunday/Monday to start checking it out. Was thinking of having someone do an "a la carte" prebuy (bore scope, oil analysis, etc) since the annual has just now been completed. Yes I realize they're 2 different things, although there is a lot of overlap. Thoughts?
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