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Everything posted by BasicPlaneGuy

  1. That explanation makes more sense to me when working across so many different models. I'll maintain hope then. Thank you for the news. While making calls the other day, I also spoke with a representative at Dynon who gave me an inkling of hope that they may have their AP available for F, J, and K models at some point in the future - but they weren't 100% sure yet the STC would apply to all, or anything outside of those for that matter. 6 months ago they told me they thought their AP would only be certified for the J and maybe K models. So, maybe we'll be blessed with multiple solutions to our AP needs.....someday.
  2. Sorry if I'm reviving a dead thread here - but I assume anyone else with interest is still waiting on this like I am. Has anyone heard ang updates on the Aerocruze AP for Mooney M20's? I ordered one in September from Gulf Coast Avionics. I spoke with them today and wad told they're now on indefinite back order. When I ordered it they had estimated 6 months. So, I called and spoke with a tech support rep for Bendix King to ask some other installation questions and brought up the backorder. He told me the rumor is Duncan in preparing the STC did not include all the appropriate part drawing to cover the different M20 models, so they're having to go back and amend the STC. Does anyone know if there is any validity to this? If so, I need to try to get my deposit back....
  3. This one is labeled an Aerostar M20F. Off the top of my head, I think it is 22-0005. Sorry to revive a long dead thread, but it's neat to see some other Mooney's (Aerostars technically) are still flying with that unique tail.
  4. I recently joined actually and my flight instructor told me inquiring minds wanted to know who ended up with this pretty unique M20F. @MtnMann helped fly this M20F back to its new home in NM a few weeks ago. Thank you! Now I'm working on getting the required instruction so I can use it to commute to and from work in South Texas.
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