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  1. I hope I can save you some time and money with my experience. I'm from Eastern Canada and needed a full reseal. I checked around my area (1000 km around me) and selected the best place with a lot of experience with wet tanks, repair jobs, I had good references too. They were supposed to take 5 weeks to do it. I got the plane back 5 months later. Still leaking and they had plugged all the seep holes at the bottom of the spars and the ones at the top of the spars. 2 years forward, it was still leaking. I sent the plane to Paul. That's what I should have done in the first place. To my defense, I didn't have enough experience back them to travel.accross the country, but should have just waited until I could. Paul or WW, both are probably the same quality but I wouldn't consider anyone else based on my experience!
  2. Hello! Im also interested in reaching him. When you say text message do you mean the internal MS messages or phone text messages? If the later can you share his contact info with me? Thanks!
  3. Quick update, a mechanic came and cleared all the bottom and top holes. Turns out less than half were still there. He had to open all the top panels, mainly because it was easier to work from the top and because he wanted access to both sides of the rib to make sure there's no loose PRC and then vacuum everything. I fueled it up this afternoon, and looks like there's no more air pocket during fill up. Problem solved. Thanks everybody for your help!
  4. I have a 1977 M20J with a broker Boost Pump cover. Not sure if they are ETA or Klixon though.
  5. Thanks for your input everybody, I've borrowed a borescope and will check if all the holes are where they're supposed to be.
  6. Thanks for the tips, you are perfectly right about the center cell, I didn't think of that!
  7. Thanks M20Doc, that's very good information. I'm not sure I've seen this written in the log book, I'll double check.
  8. That's also what I heard from another M20 owner at my airport and that's the end result I'm trying to achieve! Thanks for your input!
  9. Sounds good let me know! Thanks!
  10. Hi, First time posting, but always reading. I have had my tanks stripped/sealed by a local shop (I was too far away from Minnesota/Florida vs my experience as a pilot). They had a hard time doing it right, it took many months. I've been flying and fueling the plane for 2 months now and something is not right. When I fuel it up, I fill it to the edge of the gas cap. So when I put the cap on, it sort of displace some gas, just to give you an idea how full it is. If I come back a few hours later, the fuel level dropped by about 1'' in each tank. Right after fueling, we can hear bubbles making their way to the top of the tank. So if I fill it up and take it as-is the next day, I don't have 32 gallons in each tank but more like 30 gallons probably. Which is a problem for me, I want my full 32 gallons. What I think happened is that they sealed the upper section of the ribs where there's supposed to be seap-holes to let the air exit in between the tank sections (3 on an M20J per tank, so 2 dividers). There's probably still some openings, so in the end the fuel takes the place of the air and the air gets vented at the top of the tank, but this takes a while. I think I need to have this reworked to enlarge these holes and would like to have a picture of what it's supposed to look like. That shop will not take the plane anymore, they have had it. So I'd like to document the problem as good as possible to try to find another shop who could do the rework. Let me know what you think and if you have any pictures of that I'd be very interested too. Thanks for your help!
  11. New member here! Purchased a M20J a few months back. The tanks a leaking a little bit so I'm planning on having them both fully stripped and resealed. I would like to know if there's any gasket or other parts I should buy prior? Like wing root gaskets for example. Thanks!
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