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  1. I have an Electroair EIS and fine wires on them but massives on the top mag fired. I have GAMIs. I have run loo no problems at 30 or 32 inches and 2200 rpm. I run about 12.8-13.2 gps at 150-155 ktas. CHT’s run 330-350 and TIT about 1610-1630. I make a big pull at cruise with cowl flaps closed from 18 my rop cruise flow to 13 gph and adjust to TIT under 1640
  2. I just had the system installed using fine wire plugs on the bottom for the EIS. It starts right up and runs smooth. The TIT is lower and CHT’s are slightly higher as expected. No drop in rpm when you turn off the mag. No problems starting when hot. It was not a hard install as I had already installed the Electroair starter switch. You do need to flip the rocker switch when you add the EIS though if you ran a mag there before.
  3. Gregg in Troutdale doesn’t do tank sealing will only fix isolated leaks.
  4. I have the same issue in my Glasair 2 it has a G3x and the GFC 500. I have not found an answer for this either
  5. I run my Bravo at 2200 RPM it is much better on the engine lowers frictional loss and gives more time for gasses to move in and out of cylinder. The prop is also more efficient at the lower RPM. LOP ops work just fine here and allows a higher MP for a given HP rating. Mike Busch also recommends low RPM.
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