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  1. All good there. I know that guy.
  2. Bobbie at Bobbie Eldrige (Rockstar) at Globe Motor AL and got my motor repaired. Turned around in two weeks. Less than a third of the cost of new from Mooney. Mooney, please, I want you to succeed, but.... Mine is installed and out of the way in cruise. SWEET!!!
  3. Well, at the end of the day, it was ONE WIRE/PIN, off by one slot/location. We are good to go save some slight left/right oscillations at cruise with AP engaged. I can add a little counter pressure and get it to shop for a short time. But after time, the oscillations start up again. Shop is thinking it simply needs a little gain adjustment. The fact that I can use the autopilot with confidence makes me very happy. I now have Pitch/Roll hold with AP pressed. I now have Altitude Pre-select and VS control. Just a few more squawks to go. Thanks for all the input.
  4. Hi there Chessieretriever. Thank you very much for your reply. I sent your post to my Avionics guy and their reply was that the can definitely take a look at the P&ID. HMMMMM????!!!!! I don't know either way. I think I will have to get to someone with "test equipment' or something because the AP worked before the avionics upgrade. They can't figure it out. And I am sure if the plane isn't in front of them, they are busy doing future money making tasks. I will continue the struggle, Stay well, Marc
  5. That makes sense. I completely agree with you. I think it’s crossed wires and we are chasing tail until we get back to the installation. Autopilots and it’s components don’t go bad sitting on the ground during an install of something different.
  6. Can't say that I understand your response. Wish to elaborate?
  7. I recently had a Legacy G500 installed into my K-Model. I kept the KAP150 Autopilot since it was working flawlessly prior to going into the avionics shop. Now I have this dramatic pitch up trim roll when I engage the Autopilot. They are shooting in the dark to try and figure out the issue. Even sitting on the ground, the electric pitch trim trims up until it hits the end and it still sounds like the system would continue to roll pitch up if it didn't hit a hard stop. The thought now is that the "Trim Sense" might have gone bad in the "3.5 months" of this install. Taking any and all ideas of testing/trouble shooting this issue. Tired of this in and out of the shop to only go home with no improvements. Thank you for any information and advice. Marc
  8. What did you do to solve your situation??? My Cowl flap motor just pooped the pants. I believe my motor is fine. The shaft sheared off and I am desperately looking for a fix. Thoughts and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Maybe someone on this site has a failed motor and an intact shaft to connect to the linkage to actuate the cowl flaps.
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