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  1. I understand that, but I'm not paying 8 to 10k to insure that risk. I'll absolutely take those odds and keep the money if they want to be that unreasonable. I would pay for good liability insurance though, but apparently all you can get is 100k per passenger, and that barely covers a broken toenail.
  2. Thanks. Sure hate I’ll have to miss the class this time then. Maybe next year I’ll get a reasonable insurance rate.
  3. Except I don’t have insurance and it’s not worth paying 8 to 10k dollars to get it so I can go to the class unfortunately
  4. Do you have to have insurance to do this? Seems like I read that somewhere. I don't currently have it as it was just too ridiculous of a rate. Maybe when I finish with instrument rating it'll be better. Sure would love to do this training in Tupelo.
  5. Where is everyone getting email addresses for them from? I'll ask next time on the phone with them of course, but they've never volunteered that as a contact method.
  6. Yep. Sure seems that way. I did ask for a new mixture cable to be installed, but I called about that before I ever arrived, and they say that already arrived.
  7. Agree completely. I did just call them and got an update this time that there are some parts they are waiting on (what, I am not sure), and they expect them to arrive this week and hopefully complete the annual this week. But yes, I guess I expected an occasional call or update without me having to track it down. Presumably there are no surprises since no one has called, but since I haven't heard anything, anything unusual will certainly be a surprise.
  8. Thanks. Yeah, I scheduled it a few months ago, so I have been surprised by the length of this.
  9. How long should a typical annual take on a J-model, particularly at Don Maxwell's place? My plane is having it's first annual there, and it's now been there over a month with no updates. How often would you call? I did call a little over a week ago now and was told they had been behind but were working on it, then tried again yesterday, but the receptionist seemed like they were too busy to check for an update with Monday being a hectic day. I believe one of the mechanics had a health issue. I don't want to wear out my welcome with people who have such a great reputation, but I am also frustrated. Is this at all typical on a yearly basis?
  10. The stall warning horn on my M20J is broken. Something in the actuator broke. Is that required equipment for flight? I looked a the TCDS but I'm not sure I'm understanding it correctly. If it is required equipment, then instead of spending a lot fixing it, can someone get an AOA indicator as a substitute?
  11. I guess it depends on what price knocks most sim enthusiasts out, but I would be interested
  12. Well, thing is, I already have whelen led lights. I bought the plane two months ago though so maybe this problem was there even before the avionics shop put the led lights in
  13. Where might I find a generic circuit breaker switch? I've been searching around for a couple hours but must not have found the correct one. Does it use some other part number? Air Power has some new at 318
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