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About katzhome

  • Birthday 02/12/1971

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    San Jose, CA
  • Interests
    Aviation, Sailing, Science Fiction, Astronomy, Making
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  1. I’m also at KRHV with a ‘77 J. I might be able to tag up today (11/22), but will be out of state until 12/3. Feel free to PM me. @masouds
  2. And here I was expecting people to comment on how dirty my wings obviously are! @Shadrach, is there an adjustment I can do to the caps?
  3. They did have a couple of different flavors, a couple square and the semicircles. The guy with the Bonanza (6 tank fills!) went with the square ones. I liked the semicircle ones.
  4. Yes, one does not point aft like the other. The plane came that way and Top Gun hasn’t brought it up the past 2 years, even when we swapped out the gaskets. The tab openings for the fill ports are the same.
  5. So the situation was very organized this morning at the KRHV terminal building, with a good line of 30 that stayed about that long the 30 minutes I was there. George Braly was present as a few other GAMI employees and the AI. They had placards, 337s, STCs and engine and airframe logbook entry forms ready to go as well as placard edge seal and high temp rtv adhesive for the engine plate. The fueling truck was also there in the transient parking to support. My placards are now on N43CA and logbook entries also in. The 337s are in the pre-addressed envelope also provided. Oh, and a nice GAMI G100UL bag and pin too. Now I just need to burn off some fuel from my last trip to Oakdale to try this stuff out! Good to see you there @donkaye!
  6. The decals are, but the plate is not. Just slight grind on back. See photos:
  7. Cool! How would you mount the plate to the valve cover? An epoxy adhesive? The decals I’m confident in!
  8. Ok, so dumb question from the N00b here. So I've got my STC, the forms (to be signed tomorrow), and the stickers and plate. Who puts them on? Me? Or do I need a mechanic to do that?
  9. Going to be there Saturday Don? I’ll be getting stickers applied for N43CA, hopefully in the morning.
  10. All, Thanks to life and avionics updates, I finally did my first step towards Arizona with a flight to Apple Valley (KAPV) on Saturday. It was certainly high DA, and bumpy on the way back. The cafe on airport looks to be closing its doors on October 20. The new G5s, GI-275 EIS and Century IIB worked great, I just need to better figure out my settings for speed vs efficiency for leaning. Next step is the leg to KPRC, maybe in the next couple of weeks! Thank you all for the help and encouragement so far! edit: Added flight plan and tracks @carusoam!
  11. Yes, I was planning to ask for that, to make sure we don't have an issue with the nutplate or that the screw has binding issues. I'm buying a pack of 25 for the screws and washers, so I would have the ability to swap out the entire set if needed. Regards, R.Katz N43CA
  12. These appear to be the right size, but not sure if there are others folks have used: https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/pnpages/04-00218.php
  13. Hi All, After my flight last weekend to Tracy for fuel, I found a missing spinner bolt and washer while putting the plane away. The plane is due for an oil change anyway, so I'm going to have the shop replace the bolt. I did inspect the hole and the nutplate is still there and the threads look clean. My prop is a McCauley. Looking at the M20J IPC (see below), The missing fastener is item 10. Item 10 is an MS51958-62 Phillips, Pan Head (I have found this one at Aircraft Spruce), and the washer is identified as 6515 (Washer, Fiber) or 3129 (Washer, Fiber (ALT)). None of my spinner bolts look to have fiber washers underneath them, they all look to be a clear nylon. Does anyone have the commercial part numbers for either the fiber or nylon washers that I can source for my shop? So far my mooneyspace searches are turning up spinner replacement, motor mount replacement, and bulkhead failure threads. Thanks for any info folks have! Regards, R.Katz N43CA
  14. Dang, I’m going to miss this. Will be out of state that weekend.
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