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  1. I closed a couple weeks ago. Thank you for reminding me about the post. I don’t remember TT. OH was done in 2010. Choice was new prop, new hub, or 100hr NDT. Since the purpose was time building the latter was not feasible. The cost difference between a new hub and new prop wasn’t significant enough so I chose new prop. Anyway, good luck with your sale. If you’re looking for data points, here are mine: I bought it in 2021 for $67,000 and closed at $62,000 after the prebuy. It needed a nose truss repair, and the exhaust and spinner were cracked. #3 showed a low compression and then subsequent tests a normal compression. After about 15 hours of flying after the purchase, I had to replace #3. The exhaust valve guide split in half during cruise. $11,000 for the prop (free install). $15,000 for the EDM 900 $10,000 for first annual - new tires, replaced nose truss, replaced all scat tubing, had to hire a welder to remove a busted bolt on the alternator belt bracket, etc etc - fixing previous owners deferred items basically. Listed the plane for $82,000 which I felt was overpriced and I did this on purpose. I did wish to recover some of the cost I put in since this would have been cost deferred to the next buyer if I hadn’t. I accepted an offer of $78,000 and agreed to a small concession to bring it to a closing cost of $76,500 after prebuy. For how much I put in I feel this was a reasonable price. $75,000 was my target. peace, ~ Dan
  2. *SOLD* For Sale: 1965 Mooney M20E Super 21 - $82,000 Annual 10/23, TSMOH 897, Top Prop TSNEW 61, Location: Las Vegas, NV Change of plans leads me to sell my Mooney. Was using it to time build (6.5gph). Added a JPI EDM 900, new prop and AirWolf remote oil filter. Extensive annual last year and this year had no required fixes. IFR/VFR - pitot/static done this year. 430w and Flight stream 210 makes a seamless connection between the 430 and ForeFlight. Has an old school auto pilot but it will follow a gps track or heading bug. Also has pitch and altitude hold. 200hp and useful load of 930lbs. Check out my website or the trade-a-plane ad for more details. This was a difficult decision to make. I would love to keep it but I have to be practical. https://www.gingerdan.com/n79812 https://www.trade-a-plane.com/search?s-type=aircraft&listing_id=2423711
  3. Sorry, we kept the original senders. I’ll probably be replacing those at some point though.
  4. All item prices are listed individually not including shipping. All items were removed in working condition by an avionics shop and include a yellow tag unless noted otherwise. Fuel pressure sensor and totalizer are sold. Bendix/King KI 206 - $1,000 Garwin Instrument Cluster - $300 Alcor Mixture Control Indicator - $50 Goodrich Tachometer - $100 Man/Fuel Pressure Gauge - $100 Stormscope WX-900 - $300 (antenna will be removed at annual at the end of August and is included or will sell unit without antenna) KNS 80 - $100 *note: Display will need worked on. The unit functions well but the display is hard to read - basically displays a 1 and then each subsequent digit looks like an 8) Have tray available as well Additional pictures and yellow tags upon request. All reasonable offers will be considered.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    M20 Parts Catalog 1965-1967 76’ Revision
  6. George, I am interested. As with the other person, I’d like to see some pictures before committing. I’m also not sure about that part number when I search it it comes back as “torque tube” My parts catalog lists the Nose Truss Assembly, Retracting as 540002-503 (503 for C and E models, 501 non-retracting D models, and 505 for F models) ~ Dan
  7. Not sure but it looks like “Wheat”. 11/16/1964
  8. Yeah, the serial number makes it a 1965. It’s had the two rectangular side windows as well as the quarter turns. I think my confusion is that the insurance has it listed as ‘64 and if you look it up on flight aware it says ‘64 as well. Mainly, it’s me confusing myself. It’s a ‘65.
  9. Thank you, Clarence. That’s the word I am getting - 8-32 and 10-32. And these are 1/2 inch? I suppose I can just order a number of each from Spruce.
  10. Hey folks, 1964 M20E I’ve had to take off my cowling a number of times lately as I’m having some avionics work done. The screws holding in each side of the access panels and the small center strip seem to be randomly sized. When I put the panels back on, I’m having to try the different screws when the one I choose doesn’t fit. It looks like I have two different sizes (see picture). I took them to a hardware store and they measure M5 and M4 but I’m not sure if that matters. The larger of the two doesn’t typically fit so I’d like to order more of the smaller ones. The parts catalog I received with the plane shows the cowling for 1965 and a screw - AN526-1032R8. Side note: The parts catalog says serial numbers 470-831 is 1965. Mine is #476 but my registration indicates 1964. I think it was completed in November. I assume this catalog is correct for me. What page would I find the access panels on? It’s not the cowling I need screws for but the access panels (pictured). Is the AN526-1032R8 the correct size for these? I know these holes get worn and different sizes may fit but I’m looking for the original screw size. Thanks, ~ Dan
  11. I am aware of the PCU5000 as an option. With the modifications needed it would double my repair cost. If the plane were at my home base and I had long term plans with it I’d make the switch. Right now, I haven’t even gotten the plane home from purchasing it over a month ago.
  12. I have heard the same but the prop shop I called for advice (Dan at Lasar referred me to) said that the Woodward cannot be rotated as you described. The guys who sold me the Woodward said that the McCauley and the Edo-Aire mounting holes line up. I don't fully trust them so we'll see. I was told that the Edo-Aire and Woodward are basically identical in shape and the control cable bracket should fit without modification and it doesn't fit at all so...
  13. For what it’s worth, we are having the shop take back the woodward and send us a McCauley. That should be a direct replacement for the EdoAire so we’ll see what happens.
  14. That one is a little hard to answer because I am not with the plane. He said that it installs onto the engine fine but the control arm bracket doesn’t line up. That’s the best answer I can give.
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