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Everything posted by Vaughn

  1. I agree Vance. I'm going to first give Maxwell a call.
  2. Thanks everyone for the rapid feedback. I'm in Western Arkansas so a short hop to Maxwell if needed but my A&P is very competent and very busy. The last annual was done by Air Mods, a solid shop. Logs show that AD 75-23-04 is "NA pin installed." Could still have my mechanic swing the gear and see what he thinks? Thoughts?
  3. I'm a new Mooney driver and my 1969 M20F seems to bump, push up a bit on the floor when the gear is activated. Happens when I retract or extended the gear. Is this usual? Thanks,
  4. I’m doing that first before creating more problems!
  5. There's an alternator whine and the A&P suggested checking CB connections, already checked alternator ground.
  6. Here’s a picture of the cb panel. I looked at both the parts and maintenance manuals for some clue but didn’t have any success. Thoughts on how I may pull the breaker panel to inspect the connections?
  7. It's a 1969 M20F... I'll post some pics later this week when I'm out at the hanger.
  8. I have a M20F and want to inspect my circuit breakers, making sure the connections are good. How do I pull the CB panel?
  9. My M20F's paint was oxidized, very flat, it felt a little rough too. I washed it really well then polished it using Griot's Polishing Compound, Griot's Garage 10862 Complete Compound 16oz https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00PA2LMD2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_52XDKJFE5NZAT33F7CMA?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 using a variable speed polisher with a 6" orange buffing pad. Worked 2x2 foot sections, plenty of good videos out there, this one is great: I had previously tried a combination of Meigures, Griots results were superior. I then applied Rejex, again in small sections, don't let it set too long. The paint was almost slippery after just polishing. Looks great! Try small areas, keep the polisher close and in control and take your time. If you're in the Arkansas River Valley I'd be glad to help.
  10. I had a SR20, easy to fly, efficient airplane except when it comes to maintenance. Engine overhaul cost for the IO-360 is $50k plus unless you get a new one with a Lycoming. CAPS cost varies from $17-20k depending on generation, once timed out plane is unairworthy. If it has Avidyne PFD/MFD be sure it has the $500 a year insurance, repair cost is crazy. The SR20 is really a 2+1, really a dog on climb out but great once in cruise and crazy easy to fly. The 22 rocks and it's crazy easy to fly! Would I take a SR22, sure but for the same money you can get a LOT of Mooney!
  11. I’m in total love with my 1969 Mooney M20F, she came modified with every mod there is and had been a demo plane for such. I’ve had my share of aircraft, most recently a SR20, and found the transition super easy. Insurance required a check out, no specific time, but I had a CFI booked for half a day but only needed an hour, it just was so easy. I’ve got hundreds of hours in slippery, fast aircraft like a Long-EZ and the Cirrus which likely helped. My landings have been consistently smooth, better than those in our putt-putt plane, C150. Any suggestions as a new Mooney pilot/owner? I’m still figuring out cruise settings, suggestions? Cheers, Vaughn
  12. I had a Cessna 150 painted in 2019 and the entire strip and paint process can/does create problems, just expect it. The chemicals used create problems even under the best of conditions. A good paint shop will strip and repair and polish every bit and bob. I would have the tanks resealed, maybe install new antennas in anticipation of the avionics but maybe wait and do the avionics after the paint. Some shops take weeks so be prepared to be without your aircraft for a while. Painters also have an "artistic/perfectionist" personality, at least mine did so it pays to be patient. My wife and son are using the 150 to get PPL, I'm now flying a M20F. We had a Cirrus and folks ask if it was a step down... no way, the Mooney is a great aircraft!!!! 0F65E841-4471-473A-AA74-7B815514B1F7.heic
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