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  1. We had the alt field switch break the exact same way. I turned it off and now it won’t turn back on. On the hunt for a switch. Guess it will be right ALT only for a bit.
  2. Doesn't not seem like a good deal at all. Thanks for the research.
  3. I have seen all of those. Leaks pooling in the speed brakes, oil on the tires. Some TLC and she will be right as rain. One of the things that likes to leak on mine are the valve cover gaskets, I replaced mine with the GB supplied ones when I re-did the baffles, not leak but the screws get loose over time, so every oil change is a good time to make sure everything is snug, also had "oil drain back clamps" loose as well as one of the turbo v band brackets (cool air side - phew) come loose and a turbo mounting bold fall out. Our fair share of quirks, probably largely due to the Lyc vibrations. Gonna get our prop worked on too. We tend to run 2200 rpm but the LYc just vibrates more. Once you get it dialed in (I am about 3 years and 330 hours into ownership) you will have a super capable traveling machine.
  4. There is some variation in temps, some good advice above. We have been babying #2 battery for a year because $1K is a lot. Mooney’s leak fuel, I had a pretty significant drip drip drip above 35 gal, so I filled to 30 until I could get it in the shop. I am pretty sure leaking gallons grounds the plane, I am also certain there is some hyperbole in the OPs statements. It took 15 hours of labor to seal the tanks but a new seep just showed up in a new spot. I had a guy that offered to buy my plane for $240 (listed initially at 260) if I put 60K into it (paint, complete tank reseal, interior) I kept the plane, got a partner and just put some new avionics in. The LHS is fabulous, thanks @Warren
  5. From recent experience you will know when the turbo stops turbroing. Need to lube mine as well.
  6. I agree. Debating pulling mine out to do it muhself.
  7. Mooney Bravo pilots who do a lot of takeoffs.
  8. Assuming you upgrade to the GFC500...rudder trim will fight the YD on the GFC500. Meaning if you turn on the AP in climb and then in cruise you don't disconnect the YD and center the ball again, the YD will (may) eventually disconnect the AP until you fix it, I have gotten to where I shut off the YD and just center the ball using rudder trim.
  9. Here is what I see, if I recall these were about 12500' ROP 22/28” 16.6gph (137KIAS) LOP 22/28” 11.5 (110) 22/30” 12.5 (125) 22/32” 13.5 (132) 22/34” 14.5 (137) ~ 170 True.
  10. Dang right @Marc_B
  11. My partner made it back. We flew together a couple of days later. The turbo was turboing. All is well except my bank account is sad.
  12. Autopilot. Our paint is mostly original 35 years old. A well integrated autopilot is golden.
  13. Any luck with the dynamic balance? Reached out to the locals and they told my I was almost due for an overhaul (2019 OH, 300hours).
  14. My speed brakes are vacuum powered so I kept one pump.
  15. Only one thought. Bravo.
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