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    Tucson, AZ
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  1. Hi everyone, Have the same problem. Don, do you still has one? I am pretty sure they are the same provided they have same part number. Could you check? BAS is already out of stock by now. Nikolai
  2. Yesterday I noticed that oil pressure gauge is peg to high end, but JPI oil pressure indicator shows normal 75-76 value. Engine works normal and all four cylinders CHTs and EGTs are normal. On the ground at idle power the gauge shows normal mid-scale in "green". Anyone experienced something similar and can comment on this situation? I suspect that it is oil pressure gauge sensor failure, but what if not? Thank you
  3. I do understand thing or two about Radio and Electronics in general, but not in the airplane, unfortunately. Also I do not (yet) have a hangar to work on it, that's why I am asking for help. N201MKTurbo, could you help with contacts of Troy, please?
  4. recently the statics in my COM1 in Garmin 430W gets really bad. COM2 is working just fine, thus I believe the problem is localized in Garmin unit. Any recommendations for shop, competent to diagnose the radio, in Tucson Area? Any suggestion what to check? Thank you
  5. Looking for Mooney Instructor in Tucson AZ area. My Second-in-Command is ready to transition to Mooney, and I am looking for qualified CFI to help her with this. Also Insurance required at least 10h dual and I need instructor who has enough time in make-and-model to qualify. Any recommendations welcome. RYN, TUS or AVQ are the best but we may consider further options. Thank you
  6. We have Lycoming IO-360-A3B6D
  7. these are the pictures of tach with ignition key on "BOTH" (one red light ON), and ignition key on "L" (both red lights ON). Engine is running...
  8. I have similar intermittent issue: occasionally digital Tach shows left magneto fail (red light) and placing key on "L" -results in tach reading 0. Engine is working smooth with no anomalies. After shut down and re-start the engine the problem seems to disappear and everything looking good. Maintenance team cannot replicate the problem, because it happen only once in a while. Any ideas what can be wrong? Thank you. This is "BOTH" and this is "L"
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