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  1. RJ. These are the tools i mentioned. They are $5000. Canadian on aircraft spruce. It would be way cheaper to buy two new cylinders on the port side
  2. Me I am different then probably most people on here. I have always liked Mooneys since i first started flying. i bought a 150 sold it before one year (too boring) bought a 172 sold it too. did not fly for 20 years and decided to get back into it. almost bought a piper 150hp thank god i didnt. 110 miles an hour. So I found a not so pretty m20g in Edmonton. It was cheap for a mooney. Needed a lot of work that I did not know about. I have a very good mechanic that lets me do alot of work on it and signs it off. It is a Mooney m20g / the slowest of the mooneys. But I am very happy with a bullet-proof O-360 thats lets me cruise around at over 140 knots and 8.5 gallons an hour. I have flown many times from Windsor (detroit) to pigeon forge tenn. in under 3 hours. which is great for me. you have a large difference in what you have to spend. So mission is your bar. With your hours, an ovation, insurance might be a killer. If you get an ovation you will be flying (most likely) higher. Burning more fuel. 80% of what i do is within 130 miles. going high makes no sense to me. But if you plan on flying 500 miles all the time, it would make sense to you. If you are in between buy a J model. If you need a rebuild in that ovation in a few years ( go online and look that up) Number one Buy the plane for your mission. There is a video on utube where this fellow in florida bought a J. Its red. Watch it
  3. i dont know if i pressed post, so here i go again my heli coil insert is damaged and i could not get my spark plug in. i pulled it out. i bought a $100 blue handled heli coil tool to replace the coil. Its junk its plastic. There is however a tool on the internet 5523-18 at 3 times the price. my mechanic says he thinks he has the same one. He is out of the country for a few months. Has anyone used this tool. i could buy the lycoming tools to do the job, (aircraft spruce) but at $5400 canadian. i could buy 4 new cylinders.
  4. Has anyone had their spark plug heli coil pop out when removing a plug. i bought a $100kit with a blue handle/ its junk/ dont buy it. there is another kit out there for 3 times the price 5523-18 has anyone used it. ( or both of these. )
  5. This is what im thinking of doing. Tailbeaconx combo with an av30c to control the tailbeaconx, and it will be a primary EFIS Another av30c as a primary DG Trutrak auto pilot (bendixking-honeywell) and it will be controlled by my new DG Wifi link that connects my ipad and sentry to the DG and puts a traffic overlay on it, and maybe weather All in for $11,000 roughly plus labor Unless the autopilot is more than $5000. thats what it is for all the aircraft now. That is a good deal. The av30c does a lot for $1900.00 the tailbeaconx gets rid of my old narco150d transponder and the av30c s get rid of my vac pump.
  6. We had a conversation today on line. I asked the rep from dynon, if i bought a mooney in the u.s and brought it to canada, is it legal. His exact words were, dynon hdx is only legal in certified planes with an n. Number. They are not certified for anything else. They have been working with the canadians to get the certification. No definite timeline yet
  7. Your not going to believe this: Dynon got back to me and the hdx can not be installed in a certified plane in canada
  8. I watch him on utube. He is very good. Im not going as far as he did. If i was his age i certainly would
  9. boy thats disappointing. they say faster cruise at the same rpm. they say much quieter. though through my bose headsets I dont know if i would hear the difference. but for 10,300 it is better looking.
  10. thank you
  11. i am getting a new scimitar top prop put on my G anyone see any improvements. Also how come we dont here much about sabre cowlings anymore
  12. Has anyone installed the basic Dynon Skyview. I have a m20g (nice, stable plane) i fly 160 to 165 mph all day. Thats fast enough for me. (for those of you that say dont put your money in a G) For $20,000 in parts you get 1 10" and 1 7" screen com radio, navigation map, weather, traffic, adsb in and out. engine monitoring. fuel management. I was looking to get the uavionix tailbeaconx with an av30-c. Thats $5000.00 plus install, solves my diversity issue. Plus i have to add another ac30c for directional gyro (1900.00) to get rid of my pump. Plus install. So I am guessing $10,000 installed. I am 67 years old and dont plan on flying ifr. If I sell the plane in the future, the buyer can install their own wass gps for ifr. Anyone have any thoughts. When I fly it is usually on the u.s canadian border or in the U.S. so adsb works for me. I emailed nav canada and I actually got a quick response. It seems they are going to lean the way the U.S defines their airspace. I am guessing I will be able to fly alot in Canada without flying in class c and b airspace.
  13. I realize I am behind on this topic, But I have a G and it is a great plane. The slowest of all the mooneys. O-360 in it. The most reliable engine ever built so they say. You can get a mooney m20G pretty cheap if you can find one. I bought mine for $26600.00 U.S dollars. That leaves me with a lot of money to get it where I want it. I put a new starter in it, battery, voltage regulator, plugs, j model side windows and the rest of the windows. I took the interior apart, painted it, painted the leather on the seats. Bought jacks for it. changed the nose gear pucks and tire. starter relay, master relay. New scimitar top prop with hub and spinner. Now I am waiting for uavionix tailbeaconx to get certified. Now I have spent just under 20,000.00 on it.I am under $44,000.00 and there are a lot of new parts on it that I dont have to worry about. You could spend $60,000.00 and all the parts I just mentioned you could be in need of. By the way about speed. I live in the detroit area and If I left for Tampa Florida the J model would beat me there by 40 minutes. Speed can be over done a bit.
  14. regarding the engine upgrade. I have been doing some research just in case i need a rebuild. The stc from lasar says 4 mile an hour increase in speed converting from 0-360 to io-360. The mooney manuals say 157 knot cruise in the f and 147 knot cruise in the g. I think mooney is pulling our legs about the speed of these planes. Just like my silverado is supposed to get 25 miles per gallon. Its 21 to 22. And for Lasar to say 4 miles an hour, I believe them. My 1300hr g model actually sits around 140 knots at 24/23 at 5000 which is quit fast i think. Lasar cowl enclosure made a big difference. Further more i read an article where they say the 180hp O-360 is under rated and the IO-360 is over rated. There may be only a 10 to 12 hp difference. Power flow had an article that i read some time ago, that they had to change the way they piped (down rate ) the O-360 because it brought the H.P to way above the rating of the engine. AS by listening to my rant, I think I just talked myself into staying with the simple, cheap O-360 and get a power flow exhaust for it.
  15. If the g model is the same airframe as the f. Why dont i see an stc for an io-390 for the g
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