I realize I am behind on this topic, But I have a G and it is a great plane. The slowest of all the mooneys. O-360 in it. The most reliable engine ever built so they say. You can get a mooney m20G pretty cheap if you can find one. I bought mine for $26600.00 U.S dollars. That leaves me with a lot of money to get it where I want it. I put a new starter in it, battery, voltage regulator, plugs, j model side windows and the rest of the windows. I took the interior apart, painted it, painted the leather on the seats. Bought jacks for it. changed the nose gear pucks and tire. starter relay, master relay. New scimitar top prop with hub and spinner. Now I am waiting for uavionix tailbeaconx to get certified. Now I have spent just under 20,000.00 on it.I am under $44,000.00 and there are a lot of new parts on it that I dont have to worry about. You could spend $60,000.00 and all the parts I just mentioned you could be in need of. By the way about speed. I live in the detroit area and If I left for Tampa Florida the J model would beat me there by 40 minutes. Speed can be over done a bit.