Hi Tom- For posterity I am liking the to the FAA's PDF version of the circular https://www.faa.gov/documentLibrary/media/Advisory_Circular/AC_43.13-1B_w-chg1.pdf . Electrical starts in Chapter 11 on page 11-1 (the 492nd page of the PDF). @A64Pilotmentions Ancor and I bought those for the terminal connections, but I had previously bought these butt splices from Amazon. From the AC (11-167 paragraph b):
b. Many types of aircraft splice connectors are available for use when splicing individual wires. Use of a self-insulated splice connector is preferred; however, a non-insulated splice connector may be used provided the splice is covered with plastic sleeving that is secured at both ends. Environmentally sealed splices, that conform to MIL-T-7928, provide a reliable means of splicing in SWAMP areas. However, a non-insulated splice connector may be used, provided the splice is covered with dual wall shrink sleeving of a suitable material.
It seems like the last sentence allows flexibility to use non-milspec connectors if they are dual-wall shrinking. Since this is mentioned explicitly in the description of the Amazon item linked to above, I think we are all set on that.