Hello Mooney-minded friends,
As all of you could probably imagine, the FAA is paying special attention to autopilot and flight control systems in the wake of the 737 Max accidents. This has presented Dynon’s Certification team with new challenges, which in turn has diminished our confidence in our earlier timetables. The result is the increased conservatism in our messaging.
We’ve been successful in gaining approval of similar aircraft models in the past, namely the Bonanza P35-V35B, an approval based on our singular Bonanza V35B demonstrator. That continues to be our certification approach with the Mooney M20 series. However, given the FAA’s increasingly conservative stance as of late, the only certainty is that Dynon will present a 1979 M20J to the FAA for autopilot compliance-finding. We are very hopeful that our effort will result in the certification of the mid-fuselage aircraft, and potentially the short-fuselage aircraft as well. But, because of the above, and the fact that Dynon has no control over the FAA's decisions, we feel compelled to adjust our expectations and messaging.
Some of you have requested schedules for the remaining Mooney autopilots. Our plan continues to include generating the evidence necessary to satisfy the FAA that the mid-, and short-fuselage Mooney models are similar, and could both be represented by our 1979 M20J demonstrator for certification. This plan has risk, but the worst predicted outcome when we initiated this plan would have been the rejection of the short-fuselage airplanes from the certification project. If that happens, we would likely react by circling back to certify the short-fuselage Mooney models at a later, yet to be determined date. Unfortunately we cannot promise any schedule for the remaining Mooney models at this moment.
We hope this explanation helps you understand why our message has changed. We continue to be optimistic, and believe these obstacles will be overcome. But please, do not make your purchase decisions based upon a future that Dynon can not guarantee. This is the bottom line of our new message. We absolutely do not wish to disappoint anybody. We understand that some of you may already be disappointed, for this we apologize.
Rick Ludtke
Marketing Product Analyst
425-402-0433 ext. 1152
Dynon Certified | Affordable Avionics For Certified Aircraft