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Everything posted by RCBass

  1. This is a great thread, my 67 F... used to be I would start up, taxi to the fuel pumps, shut down at 1100 rpm, not touch anything, and it would fire on about the 4th or 5th turn, slowly advance mixture, pretty easy. But, if I flew say 20 minutes to another airport to get fuel, that technique wouldn't work. Seems like I would have to do WOT, mixture cutoff, and crank until it caught. Now, lately, if I fly it for an hour, shut down at 1100 rpm, wait 10 minutes, and try to start it, I advance the throttle like a quarter inch, crank, and it catches on the 4th or 5th turn. But now if I taxi it to the fuel pump, I can't get it restarted. Tried not touching anything, priming, WOT w/ mixture cutoff, nothing worked. I don't get why it changed. I'm going to make some notes on some of these comments and try them.
  2. Update- Shop inspected and cleaned every probe, flew it yesterday, back to normal. They must have gummed something up cleaning the engine during annual or something. Working fine now... thanks for the comments. Safe flying! Russ
  3. Ok, thank you. I'll have to fly it again and see what cylinder it was, and if it is the same. I can't remember and didn't make a note at time. The number 2 cylinder was running at about 800 degrees egt (normal is the 1300's), but they replaced the probe and it seemed to be working fine last time I flew it. I don't know... they cleaned the fuel injectors, I really feel they must have messed up one of the probes, or a connection somehow. It worked perfect before the annual.
  4. It is starting different too, so maybe that is a possibility. Pre-annual I'd do 4 seconds on the primer and boom... now it catches but kind of coughs to a full start. The graph seems normal for EGT and CHT in flight, it's just when I put it in lean mode that it starts going haywire.
  5. Question... M20F model here. My plane just came out of annual, and now my lean function doesn't work on the EDM 800. Neither lean find "rich" or "lop" is working. When I put it in LOP mode and start leaning, it starts flashing "leanest" almost immediately, and has one long inverted bar, with all the other bars blank. I continued to lean, and it didn't correct itself. ROP same... starts saying "leanest" almost immediately. Anyone ever have this happen? JPI wasn't much help when I called them... he just said must be a loose connection somewhere. The shop said they checked all the connections and ground. I don't know... it's weird.
  6. Thank you Skip. I thought 38.83 seemed pretty far off from the factory setting of 29, we'll see if resetting to 30.43 gets me closer. Sounds like it might be more in line.
  7. I just finished reading this thread searching for other people's K factor settings. I bought a '67 F model, and it has always taken more fuel than what the JPI said was consumed. After 3 hours, that was about 8 gallons. I just reset the K factor today using the 3 flight formula in the manual. Previous K factor was 38.83... that seems high no? My recalculation put it at 30.43, which seems more in line with comments in this thread. Hoping this gets me closer to actual fuel usage. It's my only source of fuel burn info other than the wing gauges, and 8 gallons is pretty huge. Almost an hour. Plus, I like to fly LOP, and if I'm running richer than I think I am, that isn't good if at 70% power I need to be 30 degrees LOP and I'm really at 10. I have also noticed the fuel tends to settle after topping. I'll fill it right to the edge, and the next day it will be 1/2" to an inch" below that.
  8. All, sorry for the slow response, I'm still kind of new at this. It was resolved... It turned out to be something very simple but obscure... The intake hose has a liner in it that was evidently coming loose and blocking the intake. They noticed it constricting when the Rajay was engaged. Works great now. Thank you for all the responses! I did run several of them by the shop before they discovered what it was. Also, a shout out to Maxwell MSC in Longview for staying with it until they got it figured out. Very grateful to those guys... Safe flying everyone, Russ
  9. It turned out to be something very simple but obscure... The intake hose has a liner in it that was evidently coming loose and blocking the intake. They noticed it constricting when the Rajay was engaged. Works great now.
  10. You wouldn't think. Even the service center owner, who believe me is very knowledgeable, said almost exactly what you just said. Yet, he is stumped. Thanks for your comment. I hope to talk to him tomorrow with some of the findings over the weekend. Hopefully he doesn't tell me he did all that. ha...
  11. Thank you, I will ask him that.
  12. I haven't even seen the plane since taking it for the prebuy. I've owned since Aug. 20th and have yet to even be able to fly it. It with a very experienced shop, I would be stunned if the were not aware of it. Thanks though...
  13. ??? It hasn't changed. It flies normally like a normally aspirated M20F without the turbo. When you engage the turbo normalizer in flight the MP doesn't respond. I'm only talking about the turbo being inop.
  14. In flight when the turbo normalizer is engaged with the second "throttle", the manifold pressure doesn't respond.
  15. Manual.. there is a second "throttle" to engage the turbo. You can use it or not use it. Without it it is just a stock normally aspirated M20F.
  16. I'm not sure about the pop off valve, I'll have to ask. I haven't actually gotten to fly the plane yet. It's still at the shop that did the pre-buy. I know the cable is moving, but whether it is rigged for proper movement of the wastegate is a question I will ask them on Monday. Thanks
  17. I meant the first time I've posted a question to the group. Very helpful, thanks. Hadn't thought of that
  18. Hello all, this is my first post on here, and kind of a hail mary. I recently bought a Mooney M20F with a turbo normalizer, and I'm already kind of off to a tough start. Briefly... during the pre-buy it was discovered one of the engine mounts needed repair. In order to repair it the turbo had to be removed to get to it. The turbo was reinstalled after the repair and hasn't worked since. (yes, it definitely worked before, we played with it the day we flew it in for the pre-buy) This is a very reputable and well known Mooney service center that has worked on this for 2 months now, and now has said they don't know what else to do, given up, and told me to come get it. The engine and turbo are both newly overhauled with about 40 hrs. They even removed the turbo, sent it back to where it was overhauled to be checked, got it back and reinstalled it, and it still doesn't work. I'm thinking it has to be something else other than the turbo. Has anyone else had this experience with a Rajay and found some subtle obscure thing that was the cause of it? I'm trying not to panic here, but... this shop, I mean, if they couldn't figure this out, I'm seriously wondering who can. And, I paid way too much to own normally aspirated F model.
  19. Worst landing I've ever made was at night flying into Hilton Head KHXD, it looks like runway lights in a sea of black. But, it was obvious I had arrived... all 3 times! ha...
  20. I thought the same thing, but that wouldn't have made for nearly as exciting a story. Much better wheels coming down at 700' on final approach.
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