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  1. 29" We pulled the cylinder and it is being overhauled by a local engine shop as we speak.
  2. Hey you might be on to something. After digging through engine monitor data, I see a drop in egt#2 when going full throttle on those occasions where the rpm does not come up all the way.... then when the RPM goes back up to 2650, that egt comes back up right now I'm thinking maybe a little morning sickness valve stick? gonna go discuss with IA to see his thoughts and talk options.
  3. That was a good find. Do check back with your results. I'm really interested in the fact that both your CHT and EGT was high. it's almost like that cylinder was getting a really lean mixture. Seems like most valve issues would cause either EGT or CHT to be high and the other to be low.... so yours must have been a friction issue? I am going to be digging into my engine monitor data. The interesting thing to me is that it only happens very occasionally and only on takeoff roll. I've never had an issue going full rpm and climbing full power at any other phase of flight. Engine pulls strong and climbs/cruises well.
  4. Thanks for the suggestions. I will attempt this weekend. Of course now that I'm wanting it to act up, it will probably be a month before it acts up again...
  5. Idle is fine. The everything runs just fine in every other phase of flight. I have a cgr30p engine monitor. This weekend I'll try to see what the static rpm is... I'm assuming you are thinking of adjusting the prop control while it's at full throttle and when it is not going to full RPM to see if it changes?
  6. It is definitely not a tachometer problem as there is a vast difference in acceleration and sound when it is at proper rpm vs when it is stuck at a lower rpm.
  7. yes it is definitely not a tachometer problem because I can feel the lack of acceleration and I could hear/feel the difference that one time I took off like that when it went from partial to full rpm. yeah I cycle the prop several times to try to make sure it gets fresh oil.
  8. I have an E model with the hartzell H1 gov. Sometime (especially when it's cold out) when I go to takeoff, the prop will only go to like 2500-2540 rpm and the plane will obviously be very lethargic on acceleration. If it happens, I'll abort takeoff and taxi back and go again and it goes to 2630-2670 and takes off and flies with no issues after that. The first time it happened, I didn't notice till after takeoff... it was lethargic on climb out till about 30-60 seconds after takeoff then the rpm all the sudden went up to rev-d up to mid 2600s and you could feel the extra power kick in.... it flew just fine with no issues after that. I'm assuming this has to either be a propeller or gov issue? my first thought was that maybe it was cold oil in the hub? but on a 60f day I waited till the oil was 140f to cycle prop and cycled several times only to have it not reach full rpm on takeoff roll. anyone have any thoughts? could it be the gov even though it works just fine during flight and doesn't have any issues holding an rpm? could there have been an issue with the last propeller reinstall after AD check? Any thoughts are appreciated. Can't just fly it without predicable takeoff performance.
  9. Thanks! I'm reaching out to them now (although I'm hitting a 3 msg per day snag on mooneyspace)
  10. I think the brushes were wore down to the wire (no carbon left) I'm just amazed it was able to retract the gear at all
  11. Well I opened the motor up and it is definetely the problem. Unfortunately, it is not going to be an easy repair. the commutator is completely worn down (to nothing in areas). Does anyone have any leads on who might have an armature or who might have a commutator and be able to rebuild the armature? Or does anyone have a salvage motor I can buy and rebuild? thanks
  12. we checked the tension and it appears correct. I was suspecting the motor was the issue as we basically eliminated all other variables, so I am glad you are able to confirm this suspicion. Where did you send it for overhaul and how much does it cost? (at least 10x what it should, I'm sure.... kinda like a $20 worm gear set selling for $1850)
  13. I have a 1965 M20E with the electric gear (dukes actuator) The actuator motor has always been really slow bringing the gear up. We got the plane on jacks to do gear swing and the motor struggles very hard when swinging the gear up. While we had the actuator off to inspect the gears, we tried moving everything by hand and there doesn't seem to be any binding. worm gears look ok. cleaned and packed with all new grease and it still struggles to bring the gear up (takes about 12 seconds) has anyone seen this issue? It feels like it must be the motor itself that is the issue since it is struggling during the entire stroke. Another issue we have is sometimes when the gear goes down, the light turns green and the motor gets de-energized and relaxes just enough to allow the limit switch to trip then it will turn on until it turns on green light.... then turn off and relax and repeat. So the green light flashes on and off and the relay/motor keep turning on and off. has anyone experiences either of these issues and have the ability to offer insight?
  14. how much for the rear seat? do you have any gear actuators or motors? also, how much for the engine baffles?
  15. Do these switches work with shower of sparks?
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