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Martin S.

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    Bavaria, Germany
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  1. Does anybody now which fittings to use for the Dukes pump drain nipple? The IPC mentions B-1-ON-2. Where can these be found and/or is there another name for these?
  2. Thanks - I didn’t know it requires modification. Did a quick search, seems like the mod takes quite some labor. This will definitely make me reconsider whether I shouldn’t simply overhaul my dukes. Does any of the European pilots know whether there’s a company that does dukes pump overhaul on this side of the Atlantic? Otherwise I guess I’ll contact Aeromotors LLC.
  3. Hello gents, Question on the Weldon boost pumps, trying to find out which one I would need for my M20J (24-0520). Aircraftspruce lists the 18020-A and also the A8163-A for my serial number. If it matters, I had a dukes 1499-00-19 installed, engine is an A3b6d. Martin
  4. Ok thanks - will definitively check what they are screwed into, never paid attention to it.
  5. Thanks Eric, that helps. Will try it with standard screws. By the way, I think I’ve the center ones and additionally one on each side of the panel.
  6. Evening gents, trying to get some of the screws that hold the glareshield in place. The IPC lists them as F1979. Lasar seems to be the only source. Are these standard tapping screws, and if yes, does anybody know if Aircraftspruce has them (Couldn’t guess any type and size just from the label F1979)? Greets, Martin
  7. Thanks guys. I got the LED lights, so it indeed shouldn’t be a big deal. Checking the circuit breaker and wires is a good point, will have a look at it.
  8. Hello Gents, I Recently studies the schematics of my 78 J ( although it seems to apply to all electric gear Mooneys) and stumbled over this. The gear warning tone generator (that alerts at idle gas and gear up) and the landing gear indication lights are on the same power line. The warning system has its own circuit breaker, the gear down light hasn’t. This means that if you pull the circuit breaker of the gear warning (for whatever reason), the gear down lights (between the seats and in the annunciator) will not work. This is very confusing, as both systems fulfill distinct functions, one warns, the other indicates - so you don’t expect it. I think knowing this peculiarity is noteworthy and might help avoiding risky misunderstanding during operation. Hope I didn’t bore you with these lines, Martin
  9. Morning gents, trying to figure out the options I have to replace my ALY 8420 alternator on a 78 M20J (24-0520) with A3B6D. I'd like to go with a plane power. According to the plane power site it should be this one: AL12-P70. Can you guys confirm? Also wondering if its a direct replacement, because It seems the plane power is 70 AMP while the former Kelly is 60 AMP, can that cause any troubles? Greets, Martin
  10. Evening gents, question regarding COMM antennas. Can somebody tell whether the stock "7-type" antennas are "tunable". It seems mine are not. Let´s presume I was conducting a VSWR test and was unhappy with the result, how could I change it - other than by swapping the antenna or replacing the wire? Greets, Martin
  11. Update in this regard. I ended up fabricating a new left rack. The right one can be re-used. As was stated somewhere else, the clearance-wise critical location (at least for mymy serial num 24-0520) is between the left and right instrument rack. In case of two instruments located next to each other (at same height level), one in the left one in the right rack respectively, it is impossible to rely on screws for mounting the trays. There is simply not enough space, rivets are required. For all other cases, I managed to rely on screws.
  12. Thanks for your answer. You mean you ordered the fram new at Mooney? Or did you weld some fresh profile to the frame?
  13. Evening gents, anybody a good idea on how to rework radio trays (this frame that holds all the avionics). Mine are full of holes. Having a small avionics upgrade, the old holes dont match, if I insert new ones, they will most likely interfere with the old ones, which is sub-optimal. Greets, Martin
  14. Perfect - thanks!
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