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About DrTimcat

  • Birthday 02/19/1956

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    Foristell, Mo
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    Bicycling, Weightlifting, Wineries, Bourbon tastings
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  1. Also, I have put 50 hours on the plane since annual in June. Over 50 gear operations in that time with no problems.
  2. Thanks guys! The bird is grounded and in my hanger. Going to have a Mooney familiar guy look at it and also call my specialist on the other side of Missouri that performs my annuals. OK to tow it to another Hanger if needed? Pulling on the nose gear shouldn't be a problem, but pushing could collapse nose gear? We did push it into the hanger by the wings while steering it as opposed to pushing with a tug just in case.
  3. Today I was flying practice instrument approaches in my 95 M20R. On the final approach at the outer marker, I dropped the gear. The gear came down and locked, But the circuit breaker popped and the gear unsafe light lit up. The gear horn warning also went off. The manual indicator on the floor was showing down and locked. I did a missed and climbed to check the problem. I reset the breaker, raised the gear without incident. Re-lowering the gear resulted in full extension once again with the breaker popping again at the bottom of the cycle and the gear unsafe light illuminating. Once again, the mechanical indicator on the floor showed down and locked. I ended up landing on a grass runway instead of the concrete for safety reasons and taxied back to my hanger. Is this a gear actuator swith failure? Adjustment issue? Gear was lubricated and checked in June at annual. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!
  4. What happened on my plane was the shaft 720095-17 froze due to corrosion and sheared off. There is a grease fitting that lubricates that shaft but apparently the previous owner was not getting adequate grease in this area and the end sheared off. Fortunately I didn't have a runway incurrence when it finally gave way. Finding the part was difficult because in in my ovation maintenance manual, it doesn't give a part number for the shaft like this manual does. It simply calls it the steering horn assembly. Lazar rebuilds them, but finding the part proved adventurous. It is repaired and will definitely be lubricated in the future.
  5. Had a tire and tube replaced several months ago. have had 20-25 T & L since then. Shimmy just started.
  6. sorry...inspite of right rudder force
  7. Just checking with the forum. I have an ovation that during the last several landings, notice a significant shimmy upon the nose wheel touching down. The last time it shimmied and pulled hard to the left inspire of right rudder force. After slowing, was able to steer and taxi fine. Any ideas?
  8. BTW...I did find a service instruction by Mooney describing overweight operation, CG envelope and stall speeds associated with increasing the gross up to 3873 lbs. It's service instruction SIM20-133. Came out on August 30, 2018 on the Mooney website. They have looked at it. Keeping my fingers crossed!!!
  9. I have been hearing rumors for oleo strut conversions from the oleo donuts. This would increase the landing weight and allow for higher gross and useful load, so I have heard. Any truth to this? Possible STC from the factory if they ever get back into production? Just wondering other comments or information out there. I have an Ovation I with the 310 horse conversion which I have been informed could handle that.
  10. EricJ - Went to the link. Do I need a special adaptor to fit the port on the ovation? And if so, where do I find that? Thanks again!!
  11. Thanks to all of you for the great information. The plane has a GTN 750 touch, 375 touch, G3X touch and G5. I'll look at aircraft spruce and online for trainer apps. You all are lifesavers. Thanks again!
  12. I have a Mooney ovation with all new Garmin glass panel. I would like to play with the radios and PFD to learn buttonology, but worried about running down the batteries. Any idea on best way to connect to an outside power source? And what power source and plug should I use?
  13. Any new current information on upgrading the non Waas G1000 panels? Is it or will it ever become available and cost? Thanks everyone for your input. I am thinking of purchasing an Ovation 3 with the G1000 that doesn't have waas. Would I be purchasing an obsolete airframe in the future since the ovation is typed to the G1000? Thanks, I'm rather ignorant on this and need some education before I pull the trigger.
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