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About turbobullet

  • Birthday May 29

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    M20K 252
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  1. Heard back from Jenn via email (as provided above). Apparently, local USPS is not terribly reliable in the Kerrville area. She says they have had entire mail bins of notices lost by USPS, which is made worse because they have no idea who receives the notice and who doesn't. She offered to send us a pre-stamped envelope, made out to the same address, in which we can enclose another check, and upon receipt, she will use to file another complaint against the USPS. Alternately, she will take a credit card over the phone. I think she is managing it all by herself, and they really do need our support, so anyone who has tried to pay and was unable, please try again..
  2. I've been trying to pay my MAPA renewal for 3+ weeks now. The check was returned as undeliverable and numerous emails and messages have gone unanswered. I see on the website it says there is construction, Jenn is the only person in the office, and the response may be delayed by 3 days, but it's been over 3 weeks. Did I miss the memo?
  3. Yes, we were parked near other airplanes, but I don't think it was STD because we were socially distancing...we're the third one at the end.
  4. Just noticed this after the last flight, after only 45 minutes in the air. It's a yellow discharge from the breather hose. Does not seem to have an odor. This is on a 1987 M20K 252 just out of annual after many years of neglect, flying regularly now. No other noticeable issues. Any ideas?
  5. Our test flight was short lived. We barely got to taxi out to the ramp, ran up the engine, and that was the end of that, so we came back in. He was not having any of it. Seems like he could not tolerate the noise, or maybe the vibration, just kept trying to get far away from it, making himself crazy. He's not all that excited about riding in the car either, but he tolerates it, more so if we give him drugs. We may bring him back out to the hanger again one day and see if he freaks out, if seems calm then may try to taxi again, but not anytime soon. I see these pictures of all your dogs sleeping in the plane, or looking out the window, and I just don't think that will ever be a thing for ours.
  6. Sent you PM with my info.
  7. There it is! Yes thank you. If you are open to parting with the August 2010 issue, I would be interested in having it. I had saved all of my MAPA Logs from the 1990's until recently, and spring cleaning got the best of me, then of course we got N252YL, after I had thrown them all away. I would be happy to send you money for postage, I can drop a check in the mail to you, or I have a Venmo account and there are others if you are set up.
  8. Darn if I didn't throw away all of my old MAPA Logs a few years ago, only to wish I still had that library. I'm looking for someone who has not done their Spring cleaning and might have a copy laying around. I'm looking for 3 specific issues: August 2010, August 2011, August 2012. Please message me if you might have these on your shelf collecting dust.
  9. I'm overwhelmed by the offers of help from you all. Thank you so much. I've got what I need for now...but I may be back with more questions later.
  10. Just came home with new-to-me 1986 M20K 252. The accompanying POH has had a rough life and is literally falling apart. Does anyone have an electronic version they can send? Did not see anything in the Downloads section. TIA
  11. Thanks for the info. We have pills too. He is much more chill on our 7-hour car trips. We stop every 1-2 hours. The plane ride will be 2.5 hours. I think we'll experiment flying around the pattern first.
  12. I'm interested as well. My dog is only 12 pounds but has a mind of his own and I can't imagine any type of hearing protection that he would be willing to keep on. He is a very experienced car traveler, doesn't really like it, but would rather come with us than stay at home. I've been reluctant to take him in the plane without ear protection. Also, where does the dog ride? Does everyone crate them? I don't think he will be a fan of that either.
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