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GeeBee last won the day on January 20

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    M20R Ovation 2GX

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  1. I would not put a lot of trust in a/c position right now until a more substantive survey has been completed.
  2. The bomb. Guys in AK say the same thing.
  3. As the tapes come out I notice two things which really stand out to me. 1. The acceptance of visual separation by the helicopter. I guess for helicopters, not unusual but at night? I never accept a visual separation at night. Too easy to call the wrong aircraft or get lost in the lights. Depth perception is also difficult so judging distances and closure rates much more difficult. In this case add in NVG and stir well. 2. One controller, two frequencies. In one tape you can hear the controller talking to both aircraft but you don't hear the Blackhawk. I assume he was on Uniform. Whenever I hear a controller talking on two frequencies, the hair on the back of my neck stands up. I see this often with a controller handling two runways with different frequencies. It should be banned. Everyone should be on the same "party line" with a given controller. It used to be many military aircraft did not have Victor radios but I know that has changed because the size of radios has changed greatly. In airspace like DCA, everyone should be on Victor and on the same frequency if the paths are going to cross.
  4. Had Edison do mine 2 years ago. He is the bomb on leaky tanks.
  5. Sorry I missed you this year Alan. I had eye surgery so I will probably go to Branson.
  6. Sorry, I missed the sarcasm. You are correct..and humorous.
  7. Boeing management would be ousted over that kind of deal. They have fiduciary responsibilities.
  8. I am sure the executives of ForeFlight are looking at Jeppesen and trying to bring value to their operation. Both are owned by Boeing and Boeing has put Jeppesen up for sale to reduce debt. Only a matter of time before ForeFlight gets put up on the block.
  9. Have you done a compression check on each cylinder?
  10. Sumping is not enough. It only drains free water. All fuel contains entrained water to some degree or another. In cold weather your only choice is isopropyl alcohol. Used sparingly it should not be a problem.
  11. Multiple spring failures on that engine, not just that cylinder before the last spring broke?
  12. If there is a crash from a corroded cam, I do not know of it. Generally the engine slowly stops producing rated power.
  13. I lost the deal of the century for me. I was part of a syndicate that was going to buy Piper out of bankruptcy but we could not bifurcate the tort liabilities from the purchase. I know of waaaay more absurd judgements than Carnahan including an Aerostar that hit the mountain with the two male occupants naked. Believe me if thte Piper deal went through with our business plan, I would not be flying a Mooney M20R. As I have indicated before I have been part of extensive litigation reaching all the way to the SCOTUS. Of course litigation is driven by money for the lawyers (aka billable hours), but again (sigh) the predicate was, "why sue everybody" and that was the predicate that was answered and answered directly and with legal justification. Change the law if you don't like it. It is what it is because we voted for it.
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