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    Flying, house hunting
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    1966 M20E (super 21)

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  1. That sounds about right. THANK YOU!
  2. My 430 indicates LPV with Gps in lower left corner. GPS shown on center button of Aspen as signal received. This is older install but doing training now and instructor was confused as well. Thought I'd ask before sending in to AV shop
  3. No... In this configuration what's wet equals present fuel in the tank.
  4. Flying m20e Aspen 1000 efd GTX 345 430W Stec 60 During an ILS a GS tape is present. Shooting RNAV... No tape. Anyone?
  5. 3/4 pvc and a dremel 66m20e
  6. So I found that plane... I paid 6k over asking to secure it before someone got there before me. It had upgrades and was beautiful. Then..... I knew adsb was not complied with... Upon the completion of the ADSB and some adds I wanted (see my page) it cost me just shy of 50% purchase price due to a complete rewire behind the panel!!! WTF RIGHT? So much for pre-buy. Just a caution that.... THAT ONE... Can still bite! But it's super nice now flying a plane that things with when buttons are pushed and CBs (the main) don't pop for no apparent reason..? But now it's just great to fly! 100!hrs in it and still learning the fine tuning
  7. I agree with Yetti! I fly 1966 M20E based Kapa. My only difference: hot start is any start after engine has run in the previous 4-6 hours... but hot start for me... I crack throttle 1/2-1” mix full back NO FUEL PUMP... crank till pop then start feeding mixture till she runs. Hot starts we’re the worst thing to figure out for my bird... but like you i got info here and it worked!
  8. Kapa... sorry for the late late late reply! Pm me for contact
  9. so from a 172 to an m20.... much smaller and closer... like a 152 from side to side... then jamb yourself as close to the DASH as possibly comfortable... then another click forward. Now your getting the feel for it. The rudder controls are buried deep under the dash. Another option for a trial seating... IMO ... is the Bellanca viking. Mooney Cabins are small, planes cruise fast, they do NOT like to slow down so speed on shorts is critical cuz they float forever if too fast. I have about 100 hrs in my E and still have a hard time hitting the marks when I want to. Granted its not a skill I spend hrs upon hrs on right now. I'm at KAPA colorado if your down this way, Corona or not... unless your C positive... then uh.. yeah after, way after.. lol. Be happy to oblige and go fly, always looking for a reason to go up.
  10. So Here is the new panel layout but the best thing i like... the flight stream 210!!!! Being able to load FPL directly from the iPad, priceless!!! Also installed g meter, Ammeter, usb power, legal cigarette lighter accessory port, gtx345, pma7000 audio, 4pl intercom, Aera 660 panel mount, upgrade to 430w. Now LPV approved. Flew an ILS for first time out under AP and it lined me up 200 ft left of centerline all the way in... flew it again under RNAV ... perfect. Little confused on this one.
  11. Radios are fantastic now! I get my home base 60 mi out!
  12. OK so my 66 E just went in for ADSB upgrades and other fun stuff (430w, Gtx345, PMA 7000 audio, dme delete, aera 660, GT 50 clock, usb panel power, 4 pl intercom, and new N Number ) ... They pulled the 430 and sent it in for the wass upgrade... came back and during the panel mods they discovered that the 430 was a 28V unit and not a 14V. I grabbed the log books to verify serial numbers and they match from when the unit was originally installed in 2009. Not that I'm looking for a remedy as I am now having an "inverter" installed to boost the voltage so the unit performs correctly. My shop says it will work fine but I was probably having very short range radio coms... which I was but never thought too hard about it as I fly the mountains in CO all the time. Ultimately.... was this ever a legal install? Yes I am remedying now, so maybe I am answering my own question. Thanks
  13. My CFI always warned me that our brains WANT to try and kill us!!! He was soo right.
  14. Flight enhancements... http://flightenhancements.com/index.html auto step
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