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About Xinder

  • Birthday 06/07/1973

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    New Jersey
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  1. Did you ever find out what was the problem I have a m20e also with the same problem let me know.
  2. Sorry it here that I was there two years ago, Really nice owner very kool airport not to far from the airport a short walk there’s a nice small restaurant with great food and service It’s a shame to see it go.
  3. i use the sj4000 action cam
  4. took them 4hrs to get him down i think the plane will have to be air lifted out of the trees, but if you fly be you can see it.
  5. 2 airports that had fly-ins on the same day short video, Just a beautiful day to fly.
  6. I may ride right seat let me know located 47N
  7. Sounds like fun I’ll be there once the weather corporates.
  8. All the pilots leaving from the northeast should meet up and iron out all the details if this works let me know we can plan a small fly-in at a central airport.
  9. supercop will you be flying in on Monday?
  10. Hey Carusoam I have 3 guys also on my end also willing to take the trip, and yes who doesn’t like formation flight and I’m very much interested tell me more
  11. we are looking for a group of Pilots to fly up to Oshkosh 2019 who's interested?
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