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  1. 15% at actual restaurants with table service, otherwise no.
  2. That works provided you are the only red and white Mooney in the pattern. IMHO announcing tail numbers is useful reconciling ADSB traffic on the screen. The FAA AC 90-66C recommends announcing aircraft type and tail numbers, with paint scheme being optional.
  3. I also had a positive experience with Rudy Aircraft Instruments. Quick, accurate work, and fast turnaround. Would definitely recommend.
  4. Provided you take off on the 12th at 2359 you can keep flying indefinitely as long as you don't land.
  5. Hopefully they are all going to be ok.
  6. Speed brake?
  7. I put my inherited (came with the plane) ones in the washer & dryer at lowest possible temperature without any apparent harm.
  8. Call me old school but I'd say the client has every right to a full explanation & breakdown in costs for a $2,000 increase from the original quote, even if there is no other option...
  9. I think Mike Busch refers to these situations as "maintenance-induced failures". Still, for a $2,000 - or 22% - increase from the original quote, I would have expected to be contacted for approval rather than just have it added on to the final invoice in a matter-of-fact kind of way...
  10. Ask him to email you a formal invoice.
  11. There is no "Super E" but the M20E was marketed as "Super 21" from 1964-67.
  12. In short, it's complicated because the "Land of the Free" does not allow its citizens to travel freely to Cuba without an explicit permit and only for specified purposes (tourism not being one of them), a policy that dates all the way back to the Kennedy administration, if I remember correctly. Google "travel to Cuba" and you'll get the picture pretty quickly. If things ever open up I'll join you for lunch down there. Greetings from the Creek.
  13. Your analysis sounds perfectly reasonable. Any thoughts about Gill vs Concord nowadays. It appears that Concord used to be the hands-down winner on this forum for many years but I have been reading that Concord made some changes that led to problems in recent years while Gill quality is said to have improved at the same time...
  14. Sorry, no, it's all old-style instrumentation.
  15. Tired battery was my first thought, except that I could not reproduce the problem with the the engine off and the same avionics/lights on...
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