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  1. Hull value are comparable, at least in the current market.
  2. I think total cost of ownership just answered the question for me. I typically fly 100 hours each year...insurance quotes from 3000 to 3700 annually...I pay 700 annually for my 180. A&P figures another 300 to 500 in Annual costs (last years annual was $800). Doing that math, assuming annual stays the same, is 2300 to 3000 extra dollars annually (at $6/gal = 383 to 500 gallons of fuel...@ 10 gal/hour = 38 to 50 hours of flying). 38 to 50 hours (120 kts vs. 145kts) is an additional 950-1250 nautical miles annually...I dont think I do enough long X-Cntry's to justify. I guess ill stick with my fixed gear for now. Thanks everyone.
  3. Been an owner for several years now (PA 28 180) and do all the maintenance on my bird (under the supervision of an AP) and fully understand the PPI (what it is and what it isnt). The opportunity to move to a mooney and the extra speed is appealing, as it fits roughly the same mission. I know my plane inside and out and can get top dollar for it now, which pretty much makes the mooney purchase a wash (other than the insurance...geesh), and actually hoping to clear enough to be able to upgrade the GPS. What about the MT Prop is giving you doubts?
  4. Major overhaul...although based on logs it does look like they reused cylinders (400 hours on them at time of incident.), yellow tag crank, crank gear, connecting rods, and lifter assemblies (all inspected and certified by Aircraft Specialties), new camshaft, new main and connecting rod bearings. Overhauled Mags at that time. Done in 2019 and ~150 hours on engine since.
  5. Thanks...based on the logs the engine and prop were after the gear up...as well as the powerflow exhaust.
  6. Any common corrosion areas or other model specific areas to be concerned about? 144 hrs on new engine and new prop, powerflow exhaust. I believe it was recently landed gear up, but has been repaired. TIA
  7. It was in my current PA28 180. Was at 7000 on ifr plan. Once I saw oil pressure I TOLD ATC I was going to 7500 just in case it wasnt instrumentation. Very blessed that it worked out the way it did...although I was 6 hours from my airplane and the nearest mechanic was over an hour away...only took 5 months to get engine pulled, shipped, OH'd, shipped back and rehung. Thanks for all the advice, the Mooney in question is under contract, so its probably too late for that one, but I will one day own one.
  8. Saw the oil pressure starting to drop so I diverted to the nearest airport (about 15 miles away)...about 6 miles out the connecting rod let go. The rod came through the top of the engine, but didnt penetrate the cowling. and actually only lost about 1.5 quarts of oil. Was able to glide to the airport, which was great, as there were very few options in the mountains of SW Virginia.
  9. Thanks all. I just went through major overhaul on my PA28 180 (in flight engine failure...thru a rod through the case...2100 SMOH) and only have 23 hours on new engine. I almost have the plane where I want it, just needs an engine heater and some shoulder harnesses...I have put some TLC into it, but would love the extra 30kts in cruise...
  10. Looking at a 76 M20C, currently own a piper cherokee and understand the ups and downs of ownership...total newbie to Mooney's, what are some gotcha's to look for on this model. Here is the details of one I am currently considering and my notes. LYCOMING Engine Model O-360-A1D Engine Time 844 (30 hours/year since SMOH...so corrosion potential) SMOH by Bolduc Aviation in 1995 Factory New Prop 438 in 2005 . 2-Bladed Hartzell . HUB AD COMPLIED WITH Avionics Avionics/Radios Garmin 340 Audio Panel with 4-Place Intercom Garmin GNS 530W GPS/Nav/Com #1 Garmin GI-106A VOR/ILS/LOC Nav Indicator #1 with Glide Slope King KX-170B Nav/Com #2 King KI-208 VOR/LOC Nav Indicator #2 Garmin GTX-330ES Transponder with encoder Sentry Mini with ADSB In/Out (ADSB Out?) No Reoccurring Hub AD No Reoccurring Ignition AD - Electroair Keyless Ignition in 2021 100 Hr Lubrication AD at annual (What is this?) 500 Hr Control Shaft AD at annual (What is this?) Fuel tanks re-sealed in 2008 - NO LEAKS Wingtip Strobes MD-93 USB Chargers / Clock Stratus USB Charger on baggage wall Music Input Jack New Turn Coordinator New Directional Gyro New Engine Driven Fuel Pump New Cooling Fan for Avionics Electric Gear Swift Fuel STC Electric Flaps Electronic EGT Heated Pitot LED Landing Light Hangared since New Appreciate any input. Thanks
  11. Still available and have pics?
  12. I wish there was something like this in the Midwest! I am wanting to upgrade my avionics and have the mechanical and "some" electrical background to do it, just need the right supervision to make sure its done right!
  13. Thanks all. appreciate all the insight. the experience here is awesome and thanks for being willing to share.
  14. Have reviewed the logs. All logs available...gear up in 2015 with prop strike. All repairs and engine overhaul (Jan 2016) very well documented. Another gear up in 2017, prop strike, engine only had 20 hours on it. No tear down on second prop strike, the crank was dialed and the prop strike inspection completed (all documented). Rest of the logs show regular maintenance and a few repairs (standard annual verbiage, oil changes, fuel pump, instrument upgrades, etc.). I dont see anything on tanks being sealed or even mentioned. I can certainly afford to go see it, its the time I dont have...and while I have been around several airplanes, 0 time in Mooney's, so outside of avionics performance and cosmetics not sure my opinion after a short test flight would make much difference. The plane is priced ~$40k, my offer was going to be in the 35-36 range, based on damage history and adsb, all dependent on MSC pre-buy results (I spoke to the MSC and for a few extra $$ would give the engine a good look knowing the history). 3000 hours total time, ~35 on engine now.
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