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  1. Thank you to the experience Mooney flyers for the suggestions! I had a chance to fly a practice LPV in Flagstaff yesterday, but just one. (there was some type of incident in Prescott during the same time so Phoenix approach became busy and it seamed a bad idea to bother them with a second approach.) -We flew the approach in Nav mod. -We reached and held approach altitude via KAS297B Alt Hold Pre-Select and were stabilized on altitude for 20+ miles prior to Final Approach Fix. -Initial Fix to Final Approach Fix was a strait course, no direction change, allowing plenty of time to be established, watch the glideslope come alive and come down to center. -Prior to FAF I dropped gear, added approach flaps, then at FAF (with glide slope centered) I engaged APR mode. All worked perfectly. I may have initiated APR mode 30 seconds prior to FAF but more likely it was just after FAF, however the GS was still visually centered and the decent began within 60 seconds after engaging if not immediately. I believe all the pitch up incidents have been proceeded by reaching the approach altitude via the Altitude Pre-Select so ALT has always been engaged prior to selecting APR. Not very scientific but everything worked as expected. Any problems I have had were likely user error. Hopefully, I can continue to repeat the process that worked yesterday and no longer have the pitch up. While the autopilot may be capable of holding altitude until the GS comes down I am not sure I could ever trust it to do so.
  2. jlunseth, I believe I likely selected approach mode before the IF and before the turn to the final inbound heading. I will wait until after the turn, established, and between IF and FAF before engaging approach mode and see if that works out as expected. carusoam planning to take some notes is also a good suggestion. Below are the directions from BK manual, which I thought I followed. To operate in the APR mode: 1. Tune the frequency for the selected ILS, VOR or RNAV approach. 2. Set the PNI course pointer to the final approach course (ILS front course even when flying a back course approach). 3. Set the HDG SEL 'bug" on the PNI to the desired intercept angle and activate the HDG mode. 4. Depress the "APR" button. This arms the automatic capture function. (The "APR" light will flash to signify the approach mode is armed.) 5. The V-bar will command the required bank to maintain the selected heading until the capture point is reached. Then the V-bar will command a turn to intercept the course. If the autopilot is engaged it will turn to satisfy the commands. As the V-bar commands the turn to intercept the selected course, the heading mode will be canceled and the APR mode will go from arm to engage. (HDG light will go out and APR light will go from flashing to steady.) 6. The V-bar will continue to command the required bank to maintain course and the autopilot (if engaged) will satisfy those commands. (Automatic crosswind compensation will provide precise tracking. VOR/LOC deviation is shown on the PNI, and actual crab angle is shown by offset of the course arrow from the lubber line.) 7. Once localizer course capture has occurred on an ILS, the glideslope mode is armed. Automatic capture occurs as the aircraft approaches the glideslope from either above or below. I I When the intercept occurs, "GS is illuminated on the annunciator panel. The V-bar commands the pitch necessary to maintain the glideslope. If the autopilot is engaged it will satisfy these commands. If the altitude hold (ALT) mode had been engaged prior to GS capture, it will disengage at capture and the "ALT light will go out.
  3. I have some training coming up and was planning to mount a overhead camera. I think that is a fine use for this situation as well. Great idea!
  4. I am not sure of anything. I believe both times I was flying the intercept on autopilot with altitude hold and a Direct To the IF. We are not equipped with GPSS if that makes any difference.
  5. I have had it work correctly and now twice in about 6 months with the abrupt pitch up. Both were practice approaches and not IMC. It is a big surprise when the pitch up happens!
  6. I was recently on a practice RNAV LPV approach on altitude prior to IF and selected APR on the KFC150. The glideslope came alive with the needle at the top and the airplane made an abrupt pitch up to capture. The pitch up was aggressive and this had happened once before. I disconnected the autopilot and hand flew the approach. Probably user error but I have not been able to figure out what I am doing wrong. What is the correct procedure to direct the autopilot to wait to capture glideslope rather than pitching up to initially capture? Equipment: KFC150, KI525A HSI, KAS297B Altitude Pre-Select, KI207 Indicator, Avidyne IFD 550. thanks!
  7. I spotted this beauty parked at million air FBO today. The photo doesn't do it justice, gorgeous! If the owners is on here my apologies for the drool I may have left on your wing.
  8. Yes please
  9. @N201MKTurbo looks like we are neighbors! I sent a message with my contact info. @JRam I need to do more research on the K as turbo was not a requirement on my list. thanks!
  10. It was 1991 when my flight instructor looked up at the airplane coming in for landing and said, that’s a Mooney, those are a really nice, clean birds. The seed was planted… I have just come back from 17 years off from flying. Medical, flight review, and now working on instrument. I plan to wrap up instrument rating early next year, get out of Phoenix for a good chunk of the summer, then maybe be ready to purchase a Mooney next fall. Most likely M20C but occasionally I start looking at E, F, J, then Ovation… it is a slippery slope. Probably a C. To that end, I would love to see some different models. Let me know if you can sympathize with my addiction and have time to show me yours. I am in Tempe, AZ. Thanks!
  11. Thanks @carusoam! 1340 hours on a 28 year old engine... I wonder if a borescope would give you good internal spalling or are there more pressing concerns.
  12. I was out there looking at an M20C they have for sale and looked the Brovo over. It is a very sharp plane! Come on out to AZ the weather is good! Let me know if I can help.
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