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Everything posted by ChrisV

  1. Ahhhh Jrothan, that was one I was keeping my eye on. If my hangar was available, I would have sent the broker to pick this one up asap, and written a check for his fee. Very nice! I think the broker fee will be worth it if he can pick something up before I get home.
  2. Jay, I may have to take you up on that. Unfortunately I am 7000 miles away right now. I will hit you up when I get home in a few months.
  3. That is a great article. Thanks Yetti!
  4. Here is an example(not the one I was looking for): 1984 231K Turbo, 2874 TT, 1066 SMOH 304 STOH. Not sure which engine it has.
  5. I see a handful of aircraft listings stating that a plane has been ~700 SMOH and 50 STOH. Should I be concerned that there was a top overhaul done 5-600 hours after a major overhaul?
  6. I'd like to be in the 80's, later than 84 if possible. A M20J, but would consider a K, but it would have to be a sweet deal. Not concerned with interior or exterior (looks that is). Here were my needs: Low to mid time engine and prop, no corrosion, autopilot with alt hold, large WAAS GPS (anything bigger than a 430), modern engine monitor, hangared and flown regularly, Here are my wants: Garmin 750, ADS-B in and out, LR tanks, resealed tanks, engine with roller tappets, any speed mods, Mission set: 90% pacific northwest weekend getaways with the wife and toddler, 10% XCs back to Wyoming to see family (4 times a year).
  7. I'm looking to stay under $100K for a 201. The broker is not going to avoid the pre-purchase, he is going to do it. I think his value is that he is an A&P, an airplane appraiser, and a mooney guy. When I first started looking about a year ago I considered not getting a pre buy inspection. The pilots I work with convinced me otherwise. And that has been backed up on MS.
  8. The buyer broker that I'm considering is definitely a Mooney guy. If the paper credentials he showed me weren't enough to convince me of this, his plane was. He knew it inside and out and is getting ready to sell it to move up to a bigger mooney. I'd buy his in a heartbeat, but it is 50% over my budget.
  9. Thanks gents. I have and have had plenty of time to research and search (sorry about that stupid sentence). Now I am waiting for something that matches closest enough to what I want. I check the usual websites at least twice a day. I can see a broker being worthwhile if he negotiates a better price than I could, based on his wisdom. Still not ready to write him a check tho.
  10. First time buyer considering using a buyer's broker. I met an independent broker many months ago who is an A&P, aircraft appraiser and flies a gorgeous 201. His fee is $3500 + travel expenses and + transition training (which I will need). His fee covers finding a suitable aircraft, conducting the pre-purchase evaluation, and transporting the plane back to me. What are your thoughts on using a buyer's broker? What are the typical costs? His fee seems high to me since I am finding my own aircraft and will transport it home.
  11. Thanks maurader. Your's is a bit too shiny for me and my wife would be mad if I spent that much on me and not her. Am I the only person on here who likes a standard 6 pack? Don't get me wrong, I would take that panel in a heartbeat, but I like old school navigation and dead reckoning. I have not filled out your financial chart, but I would be comfortable even on the high side. A low time/unexpected overhaul or expensive annual doesn't scare me, since I have been researching on here for the last 6 months. Things happen. I was in a king air (not flying it) that bird strike at 9K AGL... I didn't know birds could fly that high, at the time.
  12. She is a beaut Brian. It would be sad to see that one go. Thanks for the info. Chris.
  13. Unfortunately most of my money is spent making my family happy and providing a far better life for them than I could have imaged. A blessed responsibility. I think a plane would do that even better. Taking my 1 year old boy flying would be as much fun as hovering 30 ft over alligators with my father (the latter not the smartest move in a single engine helo).
  14. Carusoam, that, to me is a very wise investment. Thank you.
  15. Thanks for the reply M016576. I'm not looking to make money off buying and flying the crap out of an airplane... i'm not crazy, I'm a pilot. Just trying to get an idea. I've got time and money, but I like my money and just want to feel better about spending (or in my mind) investing it.
  16. First post, forgive me if this is already a thread. I am looking to buy a 201 (first plane purchase). I am financially extremely conservative and trying to determine the investment value. My questions are: What did you pay for your plane? How much did you spend on upgrades? How long did you have it? How much did you sell it for? Thanks in advance.
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