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Everything posted by RedSkyFlyer

  1. Hi CNoe, I too do not lock to aid first responders. Apparently ‘Locked or unlocked’ it wouldn’t have made a difference, the internal handle which was incorrectly installed in our situation overrides the lock function. Kr Steve
  2. AAIB Published their findings this week. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5f7ed012e90e07740f167109/Mooney_M20K_G-OSUS_11-20.pdf Summary: The aircraft was in level flight and had been flying for approximately 15 minutes when the baggage door opened and detached. It struck the right tailplane and remained wrapped round its leading edge near its tip. This caused the pilot control difficulties and increased drag. The pilot declared a MAYDAY and made a successful emergency landing at Membury Airfield. The investigation found the safety clip for the internal emergency operating handle of the baggage door was not correctly installed, so instead of holding the handle closed it held it in a slightly open position. During the flight, it seems most likely that this handle moved sufficiently towards the open position to disengage the shoot bolts from the door frame allowing the door to open. It could not be determined when the safety clip was incorrectly installed or why it had not been noticed.
  3. Message from the engineers “We have now inhibited the engine(a few weeks ago) and have now removed the tail. We have also removed the tailplane skin at the outer end. What we have found is that in addition to the outer end damage, the distortion that is causing the whole tailplane to sit at a jaunty angle in relation to the fuselage is caused by the stbd attachment point on the tailplane being distorted forwards ( resulting in the tailplane ending up back on the stbd. side) We are investigating the possible solution to this distortion, but as you can imagine this area is quite strong, with multiple layers ( all distorted). I will update once we have worked out the best way forward.”
  4. @Hyett6420 IMG_0105.mov
  5. Old tail coming off. Notice the 5 missing rivets and torn weld under the inspection panel. Scary stuff. IMG_0105.mov
  6. Hi MS, Following our little incident last month we need to source a M20K tail (main damage to horizontal stab + R/H elevator controls) & baggage door. If of any one knows of spare parts for the SN please comment. Thanks, Steve (for G-OSUS)
  7. I have a free prepaid parking space at EGFT, perfect fit for a Mooney If you can make it across the pond! ;) Anyone have experience in a Aviat Husky? Looks like a fun stock gap whilst the Mooney’s I’m the shop (estimated 3-6 months depends on how difficult it is to get parts) ps we are in the second hand market looking for a J/K tail & a Cabin hatch door if anyone has a spare kicking around....
  8. I thought I would share the take off and landing into & out of Charlton Park. (private estate of The Earl of Sussex & Berkshire, not too shabby!) As you can see both were bumpy but nothing unusual for a grass strip, most notably the hatch door remains shut. IMG_4417.MP4 IMG_4418.MP4
  9. Went to see AC, unfortunately the damage is a little more extensive than I first imagined (without taking off the tail) you can see that the airframe has twisted to the right all the way up the tail and the skin is deformed down the side of the fuselage half way up towards the baggage door on the right. Really hard to see in the photos. The impact from the door has also pushed the horizontal stabiliser back a good 10cm compared to the left side. You can see the 1cm gap thats been created at the joint where it connects to the empennage. Finally, and most worryingly the debris & stuffing from the hatch door was blocking the elevator fork from moving freely hence why it didn’t just fly away, as a consequence the flight controls are all strained & warped from the opposing force of using the trim to control the AC on the glide down, the metal linkage has also been bent slightly showing the strain that was on the AC. The additional photos are the skid marks through the field. Turns out Membury used to be an old RAF base used during the battle of Briton, I have draw out our flight path on the old map in green and red. My wife compared the incident to being hit by 88mm flak cannon. A toast to ‘The Few’.
  10. Going to visited the AC today. I’ll keep you all in the loop once I have more info/photos. If anyone has a spare hatch door for a model K I maybe in the market....... think mine is a little unsalvageable. Thank you for all the kind comments, my wife and I really appreciate it, lots to take in. The first question she asked when we got in the cab home was ‘how long do you think it will take until we’re flying her again?’
  11. Door was latched not locked outside. Gave everything a good tap & tug in preflight and checked over my shoulder at the inside latch on power checks , all ops normal. The AC only came back from annual ARC yesterday which is playing on my mind. With the debris on the wing and the new hole in the fuselage I could feel the extra drag (you can see me fighting the yoke with two hands in the video) the AC wanted to roll right and pitch nose down, it was a challenge to keep her level, the trim definitely helped. I tried to keep the air speed above 100kts all the way round until final putting out the gear and last notch of flaps at the last second 10ft above the ground.
  12. 22nm after take off, mid point between Charlton Park(Private) & Fairoaks (London) the baggage hatch blow off which then could caught & wrapped it’s self firmly around the right hand tail elevator. We immediately lost lift and declared an emergency with ATC who had us on a basic service, lucky we were within distance of a 770m grass / gravel strip between some solar panel farms. Other than the damage to the elevator and hatch looks like we were extremely lucky to walk away unharmed. (3:52) in the video
  13. Sorry team been a whole since I logged in... @kerry @carusoam @ilovecornfields^So had an amazing tour of the canyon in a recycled coke bottle (SR22T), great viablilty for the occasion but it confirmed my love of Mooney. Today, my wife and I had another very interesting experience, emergency landing in a 1000ft field after the baggage hatch blow out the back of our model K and got trapped on the elevator. Not fun. Yet to be seen whether it was the hinge failing or the bolt pinging out.
  14. Hi Team, anyway based in Las Vegas? I’m here for a week on business and it’s a bit slow with punters worried about Corona Virus.... would love to kill some time and see Las Vegas from the cockpit of a Mooney!
  15. Anyone know how much the Chinese owners want for it? @WilliamR
  16. How much did it set you back hardware + installation? Would be good to have a benchmark (everything is 30% more expensive here!)
  17. It’s all about the touch screen though plus the synthetics are second to none from what I can see o the Garmin. G5 in P1 at least for the meanwhile! We will see if and when the G3x becomes available to us.. #Brexit
  18. @Hyett6420 bought the G5 because the Artificial horizon gave up on us the other day, she’s back up at EGSL. Unless I’ve misunderstood I don’t have any option but to wait for the G3x, It doesn’t hVe the EU rating in the Mooney, does it? @Stephen thanks! Turning out to be a fun project! Wish I could add the speed-brakes and then she would be complete ;) tbc.....
  19. Next is the G3x for P1 & G5 for P2
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