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Paul - M20C

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  1. All good questions. My A&P/IA is a Mooney Service Center and he's following along on this. I appreciate the advice and questions
  2. Close up of the gear motor during swing test. When the gear goes up it looks fine but when it goes down it finishes and then the motor reverses for a second. https://youtu.be/iklbnun4VhA
  3. The video below shows the gear retraction and extension. It's kind of hard to see in this video but it's a lot more pronounced than the videos above. I will post a video of the gear motor next and you'll really see what I mean. It's that last second where the gear motor actually reverses. https://youtu.be/nw9rYPy7LZo
  4. Yes it does have electric gear.
  5. My landing gear springs back about 1/4" after full down. Anyone seen this and know what causes it? My A&P brought in an expert and they re-rigged everything but it still does it. The current thought is that the actuator may need replacing or the gears. Looking for your experiences. Thanks.
  6. Good report. Mine is sitting on my kitchen counter and will go on during annual at the end of the month. I like the idea of wiring the nav lights to the avionics bus so that the nav lights and ADS-B out are always on. Then we could use the existing nav light switch for the strobe function. I'll discuss this with my A&P tomorrow. I don't currently have strobes so we're going to run wires for both sides for when the skyLight gets TSO'ed and shipping. I'm going to preorder as soon as the preorder link goes active. It's currently not an active button.
  7. I cleared mine up myself. I tracked the lineage of the bank that had filed the 8050-1 in 1979 against my Mooney that I bought this last April. The bank changed names a bunch of times but I tracked it to SunTrust. I opened a case with them and asked them to show that the loan for my plane was still outstanding or to sign an 8050-1 that I had prefilled out for them. They researched and returned the 8050-1 to me. They then asked me if I wanted them to file it with the FAA for me. I had them file it which saved me the $5, waited 60 days and ordered my registration records from the FAA for $10. I got the CD 10 days later and the lien clearance had been filed by Sun Trust. I did though buy the lien insurance to protect my investment while going through this process. The lien insurance company offered to do the lien clearing for an additional $719. I choose to do the legwork myself.
  8. Good to hear. Glad that all worked out for you. I sure enjoyed your landing videos DVD. I watched them over and over, did a couple of lessons in my new Mooney, then the first time I ever flew it by myself the gear didn't want to come down. I manually extended them and concentrated on landing exactly as you showed us in your videos. Best landing I've ever had and I owe it all to you. That was this last May by the way. I've been enjoying my Mooney ever since.
  9. Please add me to the list when you have time. Thanks!
  10. I used the measurements that Dan posted at They are perfect for my 26 gal tanks in my 65 M20C. If the link above doesn't work use Google and search for "site:mooneyspace.com homemade fuel stick" then go down halfway to the reply by Dan M20E '66.
  11. No, not yet. I go down there to Peachtree City occasionally so paying $125 in shipping feels like a waste of money.
  12. Thanks for the replys. I have the Lasar windshield STC and Dan at Lasar told me that a good fit would be the https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/appages/mooney201.php I guess I'll buy it and try it out. Thanks. Paul.
  13. Anybody?
  14. Does anyone know if this glareshield works with a 65 M20C that has the Lasar 201 windshield mod? I know the Lasar kit comes with the glareshield but I am missing my glareshield. It didn't come with the plane. http://www.knots2u.net/mooney201glareshield/ Thanks Paul.
  15. Good to know. We'll go back and inspect again. Thanks.
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