I have a G3X touch in my J, and I've been wondering for a while if there might be more to learn from the data recorded than what Savvy analyzes. Savvy is great, but they tend to focus on engine related parameters, and a lot of the new PFD and MFD equipment record a whole lot more than EGT and CHT. With altitude, lat and long, GPS speed, etc., I figured there might be a way to review typical take off and landing performance, as opposed to the POH numbers. Take off data was more straightforward to extract. Landing data not so much, as the ground roll tends to be related to where the turn-offs are. Hopefully I figure out how to attach a few graphs below. The most meaningful I found was distance to a 50' altitude over field altitude versus Density Altitude on take off, and distance from 50' altitude to touch down on landing, for two weight conditions: just me with typical baggage, and fully loaded (within 50 lbs of gross weight). Taking mean and standard deviations, I then set a minimum field length based on the mean plus 2.5 times the standard deviation. This results in a conservative estimate of performance, based on how I fly my plane, at the loadings I typically have.