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shawnd last won the day on January 21

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    '86 252 TSE
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  1. Had the line from the top of the engine flushed along with the air oil separator at Advanced Aircraft. Greg and I discussed replacing with larger oil separator but decided to clean and give it a shot first. I also limit oil to 6 qts for the engine and refill 1 qt when it goes down to 5. I do the oil measurement after the engine has sat for at least a day, typically more than one day, to let the oil drip down to the sump. Basically keep it as close to 6 qt in the sump as possible. Haven’t had this issue since.
  2. I think we should probably figure out how to get this to our governors and local legislators as well? Not sure how/who can coordinate...typically AOPA sends out these comms.
  3. I am liking this state maybe they should take on the G100UL battle as well.
  4. Gets your blood boiling is an understatement. I am wondering if these guys have financial interests in GAMI succeeding as his comments really doesn’t make much sense otherwise. A streak of blue in the past versus large swath of recent G100UL leaks. Oh it’s a Mooney and the tanks were patched, must be bad. I have had my tanks patched and they hold 100LL just fine. I at a loss of words with these statements.
  5. Maybe Cirrus being modern along with Piper who both have a large fleet can weigh in on the matter.
  6. Imagine 231s and the need for perfect throttle control. Every overboost means likely engine tear down and new apex seals! Yikes!
  7. I don't have the historical details, but we could reach out to Frank Crawford at Mooney or someone knowledgeable on the topic. Maybe @LANCECASPER knows someone? While we now see Alodine-treated tanks and more recent model year skins treated, it's unclear when these techniques were first implemented on the assembly line.
  8. Here's a picture of the empennage and an incomplete wing from MooneyMax last year - fuel area is alodined from the looks of it. And look both Dons are in the picture
  9. Yep. I am currently geeking out on designing my own system :-) Busy upcoming month but will post updates here when I have something for review.
  10. https://www.aopa.org/news-and-media/all-news/2024/november/pilot/unleaded-fuel-what-we-have-learned Good article to read through about the test plane and their findings. They discuss the bladders near the end of the article.
  11. Looking forward to the pictures! Will research the MG50 more. Need to see if I split the air out 3 ways, how much flow can I expect from it.
  12. Correct that’s why the three pronged approach would make sense. IMO, intake, exhaust and oil breather. Open the oil filler cap for air to escape right after shutdown (which I do) but continue for a while the pump does its job. Yours is 25-1057 mine is 26-1026.
  13. There’s no angry emoticon in this forum otherwise I would have clicked on that for the post above. This makes me angry - looks like they are clearly trying to hide the full truth.
  14. Interesting setup! Did you build your own humidity controller? I have been thinking about something like that as well. Rich's suggestion above of using oil filler, intake and exhaust is valuable but then my airplane will be covered like a spider in the hangar if you take into account the battery minder!
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