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About GDGR

  • Birthday 11/12/1972

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  • Location
    ALBERTA Canada CEH3
  • Interests
    Hunting, Flying, Cycling
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  • Model
    1976 M20F w/ RayJay
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  1. So glad I had the forethought to put a retractable hook in the floor of my hangar. It’s reinforced 6” down with 12” rebar horizontally. Now, I just use a cable turnbuckle with A threaded clamp on each end. Completely adjustable and stable.
  2. If you have the parts to change to 40:1, message me and I’ll take two sets.
  3. I should’ve taken photos. My AME just fixed this issue on mine. Did some welding and fitting up. Don’t know the full details, but it stays closed now.
  4. My AME is very leery about "patching" it. I fully understand the reasoning.... Large chunk gets loose and sucked up into the engine resulting in the air conditioning fan at the front of the aircraft stopping mid flight. It's roughly a small finger sized hole on the bottom of the boot. I'd love to send one to someone to make a bunch, but can't even find a used one at the moment (Loewen's told me to call LASAR, Texas Air doesn't have one).
  5. Even worse, I spoke with your wife this afternoon and you’ve been back ordered for almost 10 months!
  6. Sorry fellas…. Wrong section.
  7. 74F. Annual just showed my air intake boots needs replacing. Anyone know aside from LASAR where I can get one?
  8. 74F. Annual just showed my air intake boots needs replacing. Anyone know aside from LASAR where I can get one?
  9. 100% icing. No conclusions yet, but I’m close with the plane owner and the circumstances of the accident.
  10. Here’s the simple reason: https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/277600
  11. I used this idea, bought some Kydex and Molded a new one.
  12. Does anyone have the Aircraft Spruce part number and length for the camloc screws on the lower cowl? I had one snap the other day Parts and Service Manual shows 4055-6 and 4055-5 Looking to order a few and just want to get the right length
  13. Hi Ivan, it was a piano cable. If you google around, the size is on here somewhere. Sorry but I’m just boarding a flight and can’t check right now. I bought it at Acklands (50’ roll….. it’s cheap but that’s about the shortest I could find)
  14. It’s not. I’ll send you a message. Retired dentist who lost his medical has it for sale privately.
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