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    Huntersville, NC
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  • Model
    1965 M20C

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  1. Mine broke in exactly the same spot a week ago...
  2. The cable for the flap lock has broken at the back of the lever, under the panel.... Mooney M20C... Anybody had this repaired before? Know what a replacement cable costs? Labor/shop time involved?
  3. @shadrach thanks
  4. where's the video of him flying low 12 miles from the crash?
  5. I posted this in a thread I started the other day... yours doesn’t look much different than mine... but I’m taking forum advice... talking to avionics shop about an engine monitor next week
  6. WOW... interesting... I was planning on having one installed next annual...
  7. First time flying my new to me Mooney in summer temperatures. These were my gauges at 3000’ cowl flaps closed full rich 21.5MP 2400 RPM... OAT about 85f... comments?
  8. I just had my prop done last week (north carolina). $300...couldn't believe it. It took longer to get the spinner off and back on than the actual test... not even 10 minutes for the actual test... $300!!! Guess when you have a local monopoly SCREW AWAY! Haven't been able to locate another shop yet for next time... GEEZE!
  9. My CHT gauge indicates 100 degrees with the engine cold. Tapping it doesn't solve the issue (in case you were thinking to try that). I'm assuming the gauge is just bad. Anyone know where I can get a replacement? And, is it easily swapped out? Also the gauge reads close to 400 most of the time in flight... I'm thinking I can assume that's really 300 ? I know its only one cylinder anywayz, but just wondering what's the consensus... Oh, and if its not an exact replacement what if anything needs to be done to make it legal? Edit: I'm not in the market for a JPI or any kind of upgrade right now...
  10. Hmmm... Sounds reasonable to me, and seems to fit considering the red needle is the only thing I can adjust and appears to be a "bug" for something... I'll have to look into that... thanks!
  11. Only the red needle can be moved... the white one stays Right dare... doesn't move when headings change either...
  12. There's a wet compass mounted above the glare shield too...
  13. This "thingamabob" is in my M20-C... what the heck is it, and how do you use it? Thanks, in advance...
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