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Everything posted by shawnabbott

  1. Thanks for all comments, I have ordered the Alcor 86309 (long leads, ungrounded, PMA'd) which is available through canadian distribution at CAD$850+shipping+tax+installation and will advise of anything interesting post installation...
  2. I am attempting to locate a replacement TIT probe which feeds the original Moritz gauge on my 2000 Bravo. It reads significantly lower than the EDM-700 and the gap is progressively widening. With the factory closed, what are people now using? From this thread it looks like there were a couple alternatives identified but can anyone confirm success? @Awful_Charlie looks like you explored the topic in detail -- recall our visit over dinner and espresso at our Osh tent last year -- where did you end up on this? Thanks! Shawn
  3. Mark, my perfectly functioning 24V KI525 ADI/HSI system is being removed this week for a pair of GI275s in my 2000 Bravo. Happy to have the system shipping directly from the shop doing the work for whatever market price is if you wish. Shawn
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