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  1. I was very impressed with the public transit in South Korea, especially the train and subway network. I could get just about anywhere I needed to go using various trains and subways, all of which seemed very high tech to me. Plus they have one transit card that can be used for busses, cabs, trains, subways, etc. and can be loaded at any gas station or transit terminal. Just touch the card to the reader when you get on and again when you get off.
  2. Airplanes are great but trains are a fantastic way to get around. They can be incredibly efficient, too.
  3. The Army did the same thing with the Kiowa Warrior. They had a cheap, effective, incredibly reliable aircraft and instead of refreshing/upgrading it they got rid of it entirely. Funny thing about recon is that it requires lots and lots of hours in the air with as many aircraft as you can get up... Something the much more expensive and finicky Apaches are not so good at. But the forces that be in our military these days want as much capability packed into an aircraft as possible, which essentially gets you an aircraft and aircrew that can do a little bit of everything but only excels at a select few things.
  4. Ah yes I know lots of those ladies and gentlemen. I'm at Irwin.
  5. Unfortunately no. I'll be flying 58Cs until next year when I get my second pass over for W3. Then I'm hoping to get out to Vegas to fly for one of the big tour companies out there. Were you a 58 guy too? Carusoam - Thanks for the welcome!
  6. Army 2009-Present OH-58 Pilot
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