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Stetson20 last won the day on April 1 2021

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    Jacksonville FL

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  1. Thank you! I put a lot of effort in to it, but unfortunately, I don't have enough time to devote to the plane as a single owner. I tried to form a partnership earlier this year, but couldn't make it happen.
  2. Mooney N58089 $170,000 OBO *** UNDER CONTRACT*** 1985 M20K 305 Rocket Serial 25-0872 Based at: KHEG (JAX area) and 6D6 (Hastings, MI) TSMOH: 602 TTAF: 4824 TTE: 2000 Prop: 602 Annual due: 11-2024 IFR Cert Due: 04-2025 Empty Wt: 2230.4 Empty Wt CG: 42.87 Useful Load: 969.6 Avionics: Garmin GI-275 Engine Monitor, Garmin GNX-375 GPS w/Transponder, PMA-8000 Audio Panel, Garmin GTR 200B VHF Com, Garmin G5 HSI, Garmin GNC 255 Nav/Com, King KAP 150 Autopilot w/297 Altitude Preselect. Full IFR panel makeover 9-2022, USB port included. Detailed Description: 1985 Mooney 305 Rocket. 4824 TT, Turbo Continental 520, Garmin GI-275 Engine Monitor replaces all engine instruments, Garmin GNX-375 GPS with Transponder, Monroy Long Range Tanks, Speed Brakes, Four Place Oxygen. Misc: All logbooks digitized, extras include instruments removed from panel upgrade in 2002, LED landing light installed 2021, nose gear landing pucks replaced 04-2024, Mike Busch books, customized aircraft cover & accessories, 2 lightspeed headsets, and various other aircraft consumables. Currently subscribed to the Savvy Aviation maintenance concierge program which is transferrable. Additionally, I have a Garmin database subscription that expires 10-2024, which may be transferrable. Extra SD card included for database updates (handy!) Note: I bought the plane 3 years ago and installed the new panel, as well as cleaned up some deferred maintenance items. The plane is a beautiful, fast cross-country IFR platform that burns approx. 18 gal/hr at cruise of over 180kts. It has a 100+ gallon fuel capacity, and 4+ hours range. Unfortunately, due to health issues in the family, and a change of mission, I need to sell it. Google drive link for all logbooks, pictures, etc. More pictures to come! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1oTd_xgbmIGT7MtCUBK49v5czTQ8zBwwZ?usp=drive_link
  3. Thanks all, I've acquired a replacement.
  4. Don, Can you send me a link? I may just buy yours and then have the info put on as a decal as mentioned later in the thread. Thanks!
  5. My autopilot died. "Capacitor C222 has blown" Part 065-0042-02. Looking to buy a replacement with the Form 8130 OR the compatible KC-192 part 065-0042-15. Any leads or ideas? Thanks! Roy Millwood
  6. Thanks I'll check with Darwin and see if I get a response.
  7. I looked at previous threads. Does anyone still sell these visors? TIA
  8. I had 3 good leads for partners. 2 of the 3 had to back out for various reasons. 3rd candidate and I came to an agreement, and I'll be selling the plane outright to him.
  9. Congrats! We still haven't run in to each other at HEG, but I'm sure we will sooner or later! Safe travels!
  10. Copied from Ralph Semb, Mooney MAPA Director, email: POC is Lela Hughes: lelahughes@gmail.com Lela Cell: 210-289-6939 Ocala, Jan 26 & 27 Santa Maria CA April 5 & 6 Owensboro KY June 21 & 22 Burlington, VT Sept 6 & 7 Ft. Worth, TX Oct 18 & 19
  11. The crack at the bottom of the windshield- I'm fairly certain it happened sometime during the installation of the new avionics and front panel. I didn't catch it so it's on me. The top cracks are very small and almost not noticeable. I put my hand in the frame for reference.
  12. CB panel is on the right, out of view of the picture
  13. Looking for 1-4 partners on my plane. The plane is great for cross country flying. PM me for details. Depending on interest, I'd like to meet any interested pilots out at KHEG to view the plane. Minimum flight time, ratings and Mooney-specific experience preferred. Let's discuss! 90k/60k/45k/36k buy-in, depending on the number of partners. Total partnership value 180k (will have aircraft appraised as part of partnership formation. Also willing to sell the plane for same price. 1985 Mooney M20K 305 Rocket - N58089 (serial 25-0872) Total Time Airframe: 4800 Engine 305HP Continental IO-520 Turbocharged six cylinders SMOH: 600 (1600 TBO) Overhauled by Poplar Grove Aviation, IL Prop: McCauley 3 blade 500 SMOH Onboard oxygen system Modifications: Rocket modification increases GW to 3200lb Useful load 969lb Precise Flight Speed Brakes Monroy Long Range Tanks Reiff engine preheater installed 2022 Avionics/Radios: GNX-375 WAAS GPS (ADSB in/out compliant) w/ extra data card All new com/nav/ics installed 2022: PMA8000-G ICS, GNC 255 Nav/Comm, GTR 200 comm GI-275 engine monitor (replaces all primary engine instruments) installed 2022 $30k+ panel upgrades (see pics) - This is where I spent the bulk of my effort/time/money while owning the plane for the last 2.5 years KFC-150 autopilot with K297B altitude preselect - plane is prewired for G3X; ready for G500 autopilot upgrade Extras: personalized chocks, tiedowns, aircraft cover Savvy Aviation maintenance concierge plan + breakdown assistance; just renewed 10/2023 Garmin Foreflight subscription US/Canada; just renewed 11/2023 Currently tied down at KHEG. Possible hangar lease available at KSSO more pics and e-logs available on request
  14. Flyable in the interim?
  15. Buddy flew my plane (Mooney M20K Rocket) yesterday on an Angel Flight mission from east coast of FL to panhandle and back. He said these showed up after flying it. Anybody have any experience with this? My A&P is out of town until Monday and I was just looking for more information about Mooneys and windshield cracks. Nothing really in previous threads that I've seen. I suspect the crack on the lower windshield is from the new panel install last year, and after the install, another shop had to access behind the panel to fix some gremlins. Thoughts on whether the cracks are repairable, or a new windshield is warranted? Is it flyable or an airworthiness issue? Thanks for your thoughts... Stetson20
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