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About bg8810

  • Birthday June 25

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  1. Awesome! Just the info I was needing! Thanks guys!
  2. Hey guys, getting about time for the engine overhaul within the next year I'd say anyway. While its out I'm considering doing the 2700 rpm upgrade. What exactly is needed to do this? I have the stock mc cauley 3 blade, not sure if that one can be turned up or if it must have a whole new prop or new governor or what. Anyone shed any info on what and how this can be done, and was it worth it, would you do it again, and how much approx does it cost, keeping in mind the engine will already be coming out at the same time for the overhaul. Thanks!
  3. Merry Christmas all! On my flight home yesterday the little plastic cap that holds the auto pilot disconnect and the trim switch broke right off in my hand, anyone know where one of these can be bought from? I think the part number is 088-01091-0004-cap bendix/king. Any suggestions? Thanks guys!
  4. I found them this morning thanks to all you guys help. I guess I thought it looked like part of the bracket for the extinguisher. Thanks for the help
  5. Thx bud, I'm going look again 1st thing in the am.
  6. Thanks, I will look there again, mine has a fire extinguisher there, it may be behind the extinguisher? Idk, I've looked everywhere else for it to no avail. Thx
  7. Ok, thanks. I'll look good again for it there. I remember looking down there and not seeing it, but I'll look again. Thx
  8. Where is your lever located? I've looked everywhere in this plane and cant find this lever anywhere. Thanks!
  9. My new to me 99 O is kicking my butt with these rear fold down seats. I was just curious as to how they fold down, and reading the poh it says there is a seat pin? And a lever? Can't find either of those, I jerked not very hard in a motion to see if the seat back would fold forward and it did, now the little teeth that look like what holds the seat back in the different positions is on the wrong side of the white claw bar that holds the seat back up. How in the heck do you get it to go back to normal? I dont see a lever or button anywhere on this thing to adjust the seat! Thanks for any input on this annoying problem.
  10. Its been talked about to death, and I have seen many arguments on either side. I currently have 3 people with Mooney experience saying only ROP, the POH says ROP, and I have another couple guys with Mooney experience saying LOP. I have noticed it runs a little rougher when LOP also cylinders are a little cooler which is nice. I would just like to know what do the Ovation drivers on here use and why? I do have a EDM 700 on the plane to help in leaning btw. Thanks for any and all your input! By the way, I am absolutely loving the Mooney!
  11. Hello all, have been wanting one of these fantastic machines for a while, and I like the missle planes in particular. I have found one that interests me N1163L, do any of you guys know anything about this particular plane good or bad? Thanks in advance!
  12. Looking at buying one of these amazing machines, and would like to know if any of you have any info or knowledge of this particular plane, Its a missle conversion. N1163L Thanks
  13. Hello everyone, I have been on here reading and gathering info from all you mooniacs for a while and love these planes. I have always wanted to buy one, and now I think is the time as I think I have found a good plane for a decent price. It has not been flown in 3 years due to owner loosing his medical, it has been regularly run on the ground, and everything seems to work on it. Besides an obvious good annual and a A&P to come look at it for a pre buy, would there be anything specific to look for or ask about? The tanks were resealed about 10 years ago, it a 78J model. Thanks for any advice and or info.
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