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  1. When I replaced all of my fuel and oil lines in my M20F I used the AE466. It has the firesleeve integrated and it makes the hoses a bit smaller and easier to deal with. And I purchased the hoses from: https://aircrafthosestore.com/ Aircraft Spruce might be a bit cheaper. Mike A&P IA
  2. I have a complete exhaust from my 1974 M20F. I installed a powerflow exhaust and now am not in need of the OEM exhaust. Any interest, Let me know.
  3. M20F_Evaluation_Report.html The Link to that report is not longer valid. Did anyone download a copy or know what MAPA magazine this evaluation was printed in? Mike
  4. Did you sell this part? Mike
  5. I am having the same difficulty with my '74 F. The pictures here are nice but per the installation instructions there needs to be a loop after the transmitter if the carb/servo is lower than the transmitter, and due to the Mooney's lack of space between the engine and firewall I am still a bit perplexed about the install. I think I figured it out though. Mike fuel Flow.pdf
  6. Thanks Mark!
  7. Yes sir! Thanks a bunch! What I am trying to determine is the position of the bracket that the relay is mounted to! The pictures are almost perfect. With the cover on the relay, I can't quite make out the position of the bracket.......any extra help with that or maybe a close picture of the relay through the hole where the wire goes through. Maybe a pic of that would show me what direction to attach the bracket to the battery box lid.... Thanks! Mike
  8. If someone out there in Mooneyland has the aux power plug that is attached to their battery cover, can someone send me a picture of the relay and bracket? I am in the process of adding the plug receptacle and the bracket for the relay. I haven't been able to find any drawings of it so I know where to mount the bracket. Any help would be appreciated. Mike
  9. I have all the latest manuals for the F (I'm an A&P) unfortunately nothing about routing. I was hoping someone could take a pic of their setup so I may see how it's done on a different aircraft.
  10. I have a 1974 M20F. Is there anyone out there that can take picture of their parking brake cable routing (mostly where it hooks up to the valve)? I usually take many pictures b4 I disassemble but didn't this time. Any help would be appreciated! If you can tell if the cable goes above or below the 4130 tubing. Thanks, Mike
  11. I don't know if you figured this out yet, but my 74 M20F has a 6 gauge wire running from the 50 amp c/b to the aux bus.
  12. Thanks, I am my mechanic (I'm an A&P for FedEx) and I am used to the IPC being the last word. Last time I checked (Just verified again to be certain) I have the latest and greatest IPC and Service Manual for my 1974 M20F based on the Mooney website. June of 1977 for the IPC and Oct of 1983 for the Service Manual. Not sure what else mechanics are using, as far as I can tell from the logbooks the seal is still from new (hard to believe, but if it was replaced and not documented no way to tell) What is the 3M sealant? Mike
  13. Windlace 4655 is what the IPC calls for to use on those two avionic panels forward of the windshield.
  14. Windlace 4655 is what to IPC calls for to use on those panels.
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