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  1. Thanks Kevin & Robert. Will run down those avenues. Appreciate it!
  2. Looking for the Left Hand Nose Gear Door (Part # 550032-3 according to the parts manual). 1966 M20E Serial Number 1244. 

    1. Alan Fox

      Alan Fox

      don't have it

    2. Thom


      Thank you Alan. 

  3. Looking for the Left Hand Nose Gear Door (Part # 550032-3 according to the parts manual). 1966 M20E Serial Number 1244

  4. Hey Guys, Looking for one last piece to complete the restoration of my 1966 M20E Serial Number 1244. Its the Left Hand Nose Gear Door (Part # 550032-3 according to the parts manual) which has been challenging to find. Over the last two weeks we have ordered two doors under this part number and have received two doors which not only did not look alike; neither looked like the original. The search has been pretty vexing. Any help/direction would be appreciated. Cheers, Thom
  5. I have been using FlyQ efb for a couple years now with a portable ADS-B receiver. Just installed the panel-mounted L3 Lynx 9000 ADS-B in my M20E two weeks ago and love the the seamless interaction between FlyQ on my iPad and the Lynx. Also like the way the Seattle Avionics CEO, Steve, will personally respond to a question you may have or technical issue. Here is a link to their "black Friday" deals: https://conta.cc/2g3IwAe if you are so inclined. I am also not affiliated with Seattle Avionics and paid for all my own gear & subscriptions.
  6. Thanks! I was just "easing into the pool." Cheers,
  7. I purchased my 1966 E model about a year and a half ago in Arkansas. Part of the pre-purchase was the resealing of the tanks which was done at a shop in Texas. The repair seems to be holding just fine so far. The shop is called "Global Aircraft Service" in Addison TX (KADS). It sounds as though you might be in the same geographic location. http://www.globalaircraftservice.com/contact-us.html or (972) 267-6650. Good luck!
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