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Chris from PA

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Chris from PA last won the day on June 18 2021

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About Chris from PA

  • Birthday 09/07/1963

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    Allentown, PA
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  • Model
    65 M20C

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  1. Once you get rid of the legacy gauges the sky’s the limit.
  2. I just put one in my 1965 C model in February. Great shop in the Mid Atlantic region. GFC 500 (2 axis); $9,800 Labor; $10,440
  3. No worries, I appreciate the input. It was simply a matter of cost. Everything else I put in was a “must do” during this phase. The HSI will certainly be a nice addition when I’m ready to do it.
  4. Here are a couple of pics of my new panel. I’ve watched this space for years and have been inspired by all of your pics and comments. I hope my experience provides some inspiration to others. This upgrade is the second phase in what I envision will be a 3 phase project. When I purchased 11Q (1965 C model) 8 years ago it had a “shotgun” panel on the left side and typical engine instruments on the right. Phase 1 was to completely redo the left side into a traditional “6 pack” layout. At that time I put in a Sandia Quattro ADI. Phase 2 brings us to where we are today. Equipment installed: GI 275 GFC 500 (2 axis) PMA 8000 (previously installed) GNS 530W (previously installed) GTR 225 GTX 330ES (previously installed) JPI EDM 900 GSB 15 Phase 3 (TBD) replaces the vacuum driven DG (and removal of the vacuum pump) with another GI 275 and installs an upgraded navigator. I was planning to install a Dynon system but the lack of an autopilot, or even a clear path to one for the short bodies, sent me in another direction. Once I decided to go with Garmin I went all in. I considered a G3X Touch but the price and the desire to retain some of the “vintage” look drove me towards this solution. I kept the original yokes for this same reason. Finally, what you really want to know; Phase 2 was 58 AMUs and took about 4 weeks. Done at a well run shop on the East Coast.
  5. Hank nailed it. I wanted a vintage paint job and I kept being drawn to the straight lines and numbers on the tail of the 201/231/252 paint schemes out there. 185 mph is the top speed out of my POH. I get there on occasion .. when I’m headed downhill!
  6. I was very fortunate in that the weather was great for most of the trip. We flew 10,500’ westbound and 9,500’ eastbound. The highest we got was 12,500’ to cross the mountains near Angel Fire (KAXX). I flew with the throttle wide open, around 20 MP, and the RPM set at 2400. This gave me a fuel burn of 8 gallons per hour and a true airspeed of 135 - 140.
  7. Flew my trusty C model across the USA and back in 14 days. Here’s a few numbers .. 8,700 - highest DA takeoff (Taos, NM) 5,137 - miles flown 328 - gallons of 100LL 40 - hours flown 17 - cats carried from a shelter in Illinois to a rescue in Colorado 1 - quart of oil added 0 - hours spent on autopilot (I don’t have one!) I was very fortunate. The weather cooperated and I flew VFR almost the entire trip. The plane ran like a Swiss watch. Except for a couple of hours around ABQ the air was mostly smooth. Without exception the folks in the FBOs were friendly and helpful. I can’t wait to do it again, next time I’m taking the northern route.
  8. Thanks for the replies. All good stuff
  9. Looking for some advice from the Southwest flyers. I’m planning a VFR flight from Colorado Springs to Santa Fe the second week of June in my trusty ‘65 C model. The route I’m looking at is down past Pueblo, crossing the Sangre de Cristos at La Veta pass and then down the valley to Santa Fe. Other than flying early, listening to the La Veta pass AWOS and having a Plan B are there any other gotchas with this route?
  10. RC Allen 22-7. Overhauled in 2016. Less than 50 hours since then. Working when removed.
  11. I’m based out of Allentown (KXLL). If you’re looking for an excuse to fly to the Keystone state I’ll meet you or leave it at the terminal. Otherwise I’m just as happy to drop it in the mail. Just let me know. Chris
  12. @charlesual they are yours. Send me a message with your address and they’ll be on the way. Chris
  13. I’ve got an old David Clark model H10-76 that I no longer need. It is a single plug headset with a GA adapter. Great shape for its age. If you want it just pay shipping.
  14. I’ve had a basic SAI 340 (not affected by this AD) in my C model for a few years. No issues. Sandia obviously ran into problems when they upgraded the original instrument to the “A” model by adding (instantaneous) vertical speed and an altitude bug. I hope a fix is forthcoming for those affected by this AD but I suppose at this point many have simply lost confidence in the unit.
  15. Dennis, Smart Avionics at Donegal Springs Airpark (N71) did this for my C model. Took about 3 weeks and cost was around 5 AMUs. I had it done about 4 years ago. I just returned and had them put in an ADSB transponder. Good folks.
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