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  1. Would this be good for a tie down mooney?
  2. Thank you i ippreciate your input
  3. Thanks,but i dont even have the c checklist!!
  4. Hi everyone here!!i read a lot on this group and i have learned a lot!!i have a 1965 m20c with a 200 hp engine fuel injected and trying to find a good checklist!should i use c or e checklist?does anybody have one that can share!!greatly appreciate it!!!
  5. Hi Jose,i am looking for a voice annunciator,can you tell me around how much it cost with instalation?Thanks
  6. You are very welcome!now you Know where to find me !!!
  7. Hi there!!im based at KTMB,probably one of the ones that you’ve seen its mine.Just pm me and i’ll be more than happy to take u up!!
  8. Got it Jose!!its a 1965 c
  9. Ofcourse Jose!!!lets wait till this weather allow and i’ll be there!!!send me your number!!
  10. Hi Jose,not there but im based at KTMB!!you have your mooney there??would love to meet another mooney pilot!
  11. Thanks!!!!I'll contact him!!!
  12. Yes!!!!i was 2500/19!!!! I love mooneys!!!
  13. No!Bob i did not!!Try again!!
  14. Bob lets get together and fly somewhere !!! Im willing to fly there amd meet you if you have a chamce!!!!
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