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  1. What are the pros/cons of a high, mid, or low time engine?
  2. slowflyin, I'll let you know about my fit, but it'll ultimately come down to my wife's comfort vote.
  3. IndyTim, I'm sure your Dad is disappointed in you because, "You weren't raised that way (Mooney owner)." The feedback regarding UL, range and efficiency are very encouraging.
  4. Jon/David, Thanks for the insight and advice. The UL is more than enough as I was ensuring I had a large enough envelope to accommodate 3 people with full fuel over the entire trip (from time to time). As stated earlier, I'll begin looking for opportunities for a fitting.
  5. Jon, How often do you take trips >4 hrs? Are these solo flights?
  6. Brad, That was a haul. How many legs? How did you feel at the conclusion of the flight?
  7. With a 950 UL and the performance you guys are posting, Mooneys are still seems doable. Would an M20J work if I wanted to take occasional trips out west (a couple of times per year)? I'm just beginning this process, so I won't rush my decision.
  8. Thanks for the responses. My desire is to have the ability to flight plan for at least 160 knots and be able to complete the 700NM trip with 500 lbs of passengers and gear without a stop (Northern VA to Orlando FL). Based upon what I've read, it'll be difficult finding one with a 1000 lb UL, so I'm trying to run the numbers by gauging fuel requirements for that particular trip. I will definitely take the opportunity to sit and fly in type as I'm 6'4" 230lbs and want to ensure that I can comfortably fit.
  9. Hello everyone. This is my very first post. Recently started to get back into flying after retiring from military and have decided to purchase a plane for my own selfish reasons. I will also complete my IR this year (safety and reduced insurance costs). I've narrowed my search down to Bonanza or Mooney and would like to stay under 105k. My standard mission is 700 miles (1 way) 2 X per month and a 500lb useful load. Overall comfort for extended flying times, cabin noise, maintenance costs, and transition recommendations are welcomed. Thanks in advance.
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