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  1. Do you still have this switch?
  2. Our M20J left nose gear door was becoming loose at the forward hinge. The two forward most screws were actually pulled through the hinge attach point. During the annual I noticed that the left door rod end was jammed and wasn't rotating. The parts manual calls for F34-14N. This part isn't available, so I ordered the F34-14M. After installation I tested the gear and rod end again jammed and wouldn't rotate after one gear swing. I called LASAR and they told me that the F34-14N was replaced by MW-3M-54. The MW-3M-54 allows for much further rotation and doesn't jam.
  3. I did email MT, this was the price they quoted and that is "The FBO Price". They also said it would be around 4 weeks for a spinner.
  4. Gentleman, Thanks for all of the replies and information. So here's the story with the old prop. It was last overhauled in '95. We wanted it overhauled vs IRAN, even knowing this could be the out come. Both blades were worn beyond limits, width and thickness. The hub needed piston and bearings. I considered new blades, but they are $5000.00 and the hub still needed to pass all the other inspections. (The prop shop stopped their inspections when they found the bad blades.). I looked for used blades, but I'm reluctant to go this way because I'd still want them overhauled, and run the risk of them not passing. So when you add that all up, it doesn't make sense to go with the old prop. It seems to me that the best option for the J is the Scimitar Hartzell. The MT would cost $4500.00 more for some better climb performance, I don't see that as a real benefit. I should see that from the Hartzell anyway being that it's new technology. Anyway thanks for all your help. Fly safe, David
  5. Seth, Good luck! We just bought the plane in July. The prop hadn't been overhauled since '95, so we were hoping that it would pass, but was not too surprised when it didn't. We factored this into the price so now we will have a new prop up front. We are just trying to make the best decision. This is a great forum and I have reviewed past topics on the matter.
  6. Our M20J is in need of a new prop. The McCauley blades failed inspection during overhaul. We are considering the Hartzell prop, and would like to hear opinions on the two blade Scimitar or the three blade option. Thanks in advance.
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