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  1. Don Muncy (Dallas, TX) is still a member and is still building tugs as far as I know. It's his own unique and creative design. All electric and much cheaper than a gas-powered tug. Mine has been sold, but you can see if he is still building them. I posted a photo of a Muncy tug with my original post.
  2. Still in aviation! Purchased a 1986 Malibu, and the Muncy won't fit under the long nose.
  3. I'm selling my Mooney (N57227) at gmaxamericanaircraft.com and have a lightly used Muncy Tug for sale. $497. Come and get it at Denton, Texas (KDTO).
  4. Hey thanks for the suggestions and comments. It seems the consensus is leaning toward "Trash", but at least it's cool trash!
  5. I just upgraded my 1984-vintage panel and added a GTN 750, a GTX 23 remote transponder, and a GDL 88 ADS-B transceiver. I removed several pieces of equipment in the process including a Foster LNS 616 Long Range NAV System. This was state-of-the-art before GPS. It could calculate a lat/long of a departure point and a destination, and "draw" a great circle course line between the two points. It took inputs from LORAN-C and VORTAC stations to compute a highly accurate present position, and presented steering commands to the pilot on the HSI/CDI. Way cool! Is this a collector's item worth thousands, or is it trash? Thanks.
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