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About bksmith30

  • Birthday 01/21/1974

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  1. bksmith30

    Fuel Leak

    Did you seal the whole tank or just the bad area? How did you strip it? Thanks.
  2. I apologize for the late update. The new cable is installed and works great! So much better than the old one, works very smooth!!
  3. I love my B, it is my first plane but I may be looking to upgrade to a J or K soon.
  4. Just ordered a new prop cable from McFarlane out of Kansas, spoke with TIm. They are going to make me a new one and should ship out tomorrow, price is $250 plus shipping. Not bad.
  5. Yes they do! It wasn't as bad as I thought to remove it, though after I wish I removed my radios and tray for better access. I removed them after the fact so the installation would be easier. Hopefully get it ordered today and get it here next week with AP here to install.
  6. I called Maxwell yesterday, they didn't have one. Thank for the tip though.
  7. After thinking about it, that is how mine was, then from sitting a month while doing maintenance, it wouldn't move at all even with turning the knob. You will probably have to replace it soon.
  8. Ok it was the prop cable, after it was removed it was still really hard to operate and the governor operated fine. I am going to order a new one today either from Wilmar Air Service $332 versus $582 from SWA, but I am going to contact McFarlane first to get a price since I have it out I can get them the dimensions and they will quote me one.
  9. Thanks I will check them out when i find out for sure it is the cable. Going to head to the hanger after work.
  10. Do you know the cost from them? I checked with them but they couldn't give me a price without giving them the dimensions. I know Southwest Texas Aviation price is $582, not sure if that is a Mooney or not but Willmar Air Service it is $332 and is a Mooney stock part.
  11. Mine does have the vernier cable, and i am pretty sure that the B models came this way, i could be wrong I was once before . I called the factory dealer and the B uses the same as the C through G part number : 660189-005. I will try all the suggestions and determine if it is the cable or not and I will have an AP removing the control end, thanks cliffy for grouping everyone's suggestions together into one post. I did a screen shot of yours in case I won't have service at the hanger.
  12. No there is nothing on the arm, there were no tools rested on the cowl or engine. The governor arm looks in tack. I just haven't tried the other suggestions yet as I will when i get off work. I have a feeling its the control cable but want to make sure before I spend $600 for one.
  13. Thank you, I will give that a try as well!
  14. Ok I wll try that, just a pain to get to it. Just odd that it happened when I was repairing other problems. Thank you for your response!
  15. It will not move at all, with the engine running or not.
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