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Everything posted by Ventus4

  1. Sorry for my late answer tcal, Thank you for the offer. Who made your panel ? I may contact them directly and ask. Thank you and compliment for the result. Andrea
  2. Sorry for late reply. Yes please send me pictures of it (front and back possibly) All the gages were working when you take it out ? Thank you. Andrea
  3. Hi Sheriff do you still have the cluster gage to sell ? Thank you andrea
  4. Hi do you fix the problem ? I do have the exact same configuration and it works flawless. If you need help send me an email in pvt. Best Regards Andrea
  5. Nice panel, Since I plan to do a very very similar work, do you have the cad (dxf or any other format) of the panel ? Thank you a lot. Andrea
  6. Dear all, I'm designing a panel upgrade and I'm looking for a 3D drawing of the tubing in the back. Does any of you have one ? Thank you a lot best regards Andrea
  7. Dear all mooniacs, I'm designing a new cockpit for my F. It would enormously useful if someone of you who have the drawing of the tubing which hold the panels. This would allow me to make a 3D design and avoid bad surprise on the assembly. Thank you a lot. Andrea
  8. Dear all, just to let you know I had a problem with my 1967 m20f generator. it’s the delco remy 1101915 I follow the suggested procedure and found it faulty. After a web search I found Aerotech LoU of Louisville. 3 days and they ship and got the part in Europe 4 days later. Great service install it today and found the old one was already OH by aerotech. the plane now it’s back in service and the generator runs great. I coupled it with zeftronic g1500 regulator. just a pirep andrea
  9. Dear Bob, Can you please tell me where you get the gears? I recently had the LG inspection on my F and he told me he does not know where to get the gears if they were failed. Fortunately they were right, but I wish to have them in house as spare for the next time. Thank you Andrea
  10. I did the installation of 2G5, with magnetometer and OAT in the wing the cost is about 7000 for the equipments but unless you provide almost all the cabling and so on to the installer it's going to take at least 3/4 working days considering also the required paper work. Furthermore it depends on AP iterfaces Navigator interfaces and so on. Write me in private if you wish I can give you the details. Ciao Andrea
  11. If it helps I do have a 1967 M20F practically with zero mods and I performed a series of tests at 2500ft, what I got was within 3% of POH on all the 6 different settings. The Temperature was ISO standard and we were at MTOW and surprisingly the average IAS on the four segments was practically identical to the avi GPS (max 1kt different) Only the Fuel was up respect to the POH (about 8-9% more) , we lean 100ROP. In general now I feel better of the plane performances. Andrea
  12. I did upgrade my M20F with with 3-point seat belts by Alpha Aviation. Mooney Service Center in Germany did all the job. I'm very satisfied. BR Andrea
  13. Hi,

    I read your post on removing the back seat (I do have an M20F with split folding back seats).

    Since I need to take it out to bring it to the seat shop. Any suggestion which help?


    If I pull the side pin the seat fold but 

    I was unable to find the place to take out the small rod which looks keep the seats attached.

    Thank you a lot




    1. Shadrach


      Ciao Ventus!

      My memory is that the small rod is for holding the bench seat only. The seat backs should tilt out when rotated full forward. I will be at my hangar on Thursday or Friday and I will try to shoot a quick video tutorial with my iPhone.

      Distinti saluti,


  14. One funny tale ON checklist and memory: About 25 years ago I was downwind in my glider and... I forgot to extract the landing gear. Obviously I ends up in the belly on the grass runway. Not big damage but I took the glider to the shop because the fuselage needs to be checked anyhow. I took the glider back from the shop and guess what.... during the first flight.... I forgot to extract the landing gear AGAIN and this time I land on grave and really scrap the fuselage because the grass runway that time was wet and I did not like to make the fusolage dirty :-) My brain was taking care of the shining fuselage and forgot the LG :-) From that day on I check the gear on downwind, on base and also almost during the flare :-) Never ends up on the belly again. Ciao Andrea
  15. I realize I wrote 1966 while it's 1967 sorry.
  16. Thank for all the comments. I'm glad to trigger this discussion. Regarding the format I also try the booklet version if someone wish to have it contact me with PM. For what matters I update my profile. I've been engaged with mooney because it looks to me it's the GA plane which has laminar flow wings and control rods as my almost 40years flying passion.
  17. Dear mooniacs, Thank you for all suggestions. I wish to strictly adhere to the 1967 POH it comes with the plane and this is the reason of potential discrepancies you may have between your practice or your specific POH and the CL content. The intent was to make it a public relatively complete CL for the 1967 Executive M20F without ANY mods because the original POH lacks of modern CL template and lacks of emergency parts. (I integrate the list with what it was missing and verify that its various steps were in logical order respect the controls/switches position.) The reason I decide to make this public is to try to give something back to the community after being looking for sometimes and not find anything. Initially I was doing as suggested to split the lists in parts, but at the end I decide to put them in a single word file that everyone can modify at will. However if you notice when printed doubled face you will ends up having 3 simple sheets: 1 Preflight,2 Flight,3 Emergency. Thus you may device to bind them together or use just only one depending on the situation. Any other suggestions is more than welcome. The idea is to come up with a community verified better check list for the model. Thank you all Andrea
  18. Well I took the procedure from the manual I try to NOT INVENT ANYTHING so please explain what's wrong. Thank you
  19. Hi everyone, I recently bought a 1966 M20F and prepared this checklist by taking information from the original 1967 POH, 1968 POH and for emergency M20J POH. I also add a couple of tables which computes the different speed vs weight. All speeds given in MPH Andrea M20F_CheckListV2.docx
  20. HI ALL, I'm looking for a mooney in Santa Rosa,CA, possibly with a patnership. If anyone is interest please call me. 7075086004 Have safe flights Andrea
  21. Thank you, I was aware of Bennett great mooney and for that reason I was checking out the web, but I was unable to find them. I did look at them sometimes ago, but not recently. Thank Andrea
  22. Hi everybody, I'm wondering if someone here knows something about aviation design. This company was known to have great interiors for mooney but their website appears shutdown. Any news from mooney space ? Have nice fly Andrea
  23. I may Give you a suggestion: try a glider :-) I'm a glider pilot since 88 and Now I'm transitioning to the power plane world. I always had a glider and some years ago I had a sport seaplane. Now I wish to move to a mooney. Why I tell you so because recently a men of 81 years old became The new us glider champion in a class where everybody can compete :-) So never give up flying just try something different, Andrea Ps: I personally know a man who is 103 years old and he complains about the earing that may impair his medical :-) The guy still tow gliders with a Stinson athough joung pilot always seats on the passenger side doing nothing. So I believe we all have plenty of time still to go.
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