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    Montana/ Utah
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    Flying, golf, family, outdoors.
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  1. Oh yeah, for sure. I was totally joking about the profiling. My kids are like mini-celebrities. Lol. None of us are afraid to talk to them. We go through about 4or 5 officers per year due to low pay so it's a little difficult to stay current with them. I tried to catch him today, but he wasn't in. But yeah, that's the beauty of living in a tiny town. We know people for who they are, not their skin color. Wish it was the same, all over the US right now. Tough times for reasonable people of all colors. Tough to watch crap from extremists on both sides.
  2. LOL yes, run or better, FLY if I'm not legit. But, totally legit. I own a couple of Amish country stores in UT. Although I do admit that if I were on the wrong side of the law, the plane would come in very handy. If I started making frequent flights to CO or WA they might want to watch me
  3. I'm well known in town, only 1,000 people, lived here all my life. My dad has owned the only grocery store in town for 40 years. We rotate thru new cops about every 4 months because the job pays next to nothing. They aren't tribal cops, just town cops. But the same thing happens at Polson. But, you all are right. It's a great place to live, but no jobs. That's why I have business out of state.
  4. I'm in St. Ignatius, just north of Missoula. Noise isn't an issue, trust me, the cows don't mind. I'm not so much worried about myself getting shot but my kids are adopted and black. Actually, they are the only ones in town. Hey, case solved LOL.
  5. I might risk looking even more suspicious than I apparently already look. Lol
  6. So, I live in Western Montana and go in and out of our tiny airport frequently for work and pleasure. 7 times out of 10 if I land after 10:00pm there is a cop waiting without lights on as I land. After I land they will turn on their lights and follow me at a distance. A couple days ago, they drove by my hangar as I was putting away my bird. Didn't get out, or stop. Just drove by slowly. When I land the other local strips at night I have experienced the same thing. I love cops and appreciate the job they do, but I don't like feeling like I'm being watched or singled out just because I fly. Are they looking for drug traffickers? We are close to the Canadian border. Are they bored and want to see a late night landing? Any law enforcement pilots out there? Our town is tiny, I will probably just ask him what's up. But I was wondering if this is common in other areas.
  7. All no goes for this non IR pilot. When in doubt chicken out.
  8. Saw the video a while back, excellent example of pushing through when we know we shouldn't. I fly over the mountains from Montana to Utah frequently. Even in the middle of the summer I always carry: lightweight down sleeping bag gortex bivy sack small 1 lb solar panel and charger Small First Aid kit/survival kit with signaling mirror and all the usual stuff. Water Power Bar Keep in mind you will usually have enough fuel to start a fire. And if you are flying without a cell phone you really should reconsider.
  9. I make a habit of flying with Flight Following whenever reasonable and possible. That way I am already talking to them if I have an issue. The more I talk with them, the more comfortable I am with letting them know what's up.
  10. Welcome to the E world. I've had mine 2 years. Bought it right after getting my Private. I now have about 375 hrs. Love how the plane flies. I'm in the mountains in Montana and on a shorter runway. I like the power, climb and speed of the E. Don't be scared of grass strips if they are in decent shape. I fly back and forth from Montana to Utah and it gets me up and over the 10-12,000 ft mountains just fine. Tips: Trim is important on take off. Especially if you are doing touch and goes. Make a habit of checking that gear is down 2x before landing. Watch your numbers for landing and you wont float at all.
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