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  1. Sold my 1994 TLS Bravo and have a Redline Aviation electric tug. Fantastic little device, folds up and easy to stow in baggage compartment. Check out on the Redline site https://www.redlineaviation.com/mooney/sidewinder-mooney-airplanes/ Not much use on it, complete with carrying bag and charger. About $1700 new, first $1000 takes it away.
  2. Should sell soon, several interested parties Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. It is an amazing plane and priced right especially with a complete new avionics package and TKS. Unfortunately the market was quite soft, I guess people like spending 3/4 of a million for SR22's. More activity on 64HK lately, should sell soon and someone will get a great deal. Recent annual and it's at All American in San Antonio.
  4. Do you still have that plane for sale?  

  5. TIO 540 AF1B Airpower prices today (6-2017) are: Factory overhaul $58,854 Reman $65,354 New $101,000 (est) All assumes a good core in exchange. Core is valued at $27,000. I believe Reman has exhaust kit included which can easily be $5K, overhaul does not. Add for hoses, engine mounts, baffle work if required, alternators, and extra labor. Best O/H price I found anywhere was with Airmark.
  6. Don, That is the most perfect panel I've EVER seen in a G/A single! Love the G-500 and you are absolutely correct, the stuff behind the panel is key. Nice job! Agree on the G1000. When they go down, it's not a component repair it's always a major overhaul! Not well suited to G/A. Love the aspect ratio on the G500's vs Aspen, I am blind after looking at those skinny things. I'm so sorry that you do have to adjust your altitude occasionally ;-). Perhaps you need a co-pilot to monitor! Happy Flying!
  7. Ladies & Gentlemen, The installation notes for the G5 stipulates that the G5 unit(s) CANNOT be installed in a primary location if an aircraft autopilot utilizes the existing AI/HSI. That is to mean it does not go in your panel dead center. It can be used in an auxiliary position for backup use only, not primary. So if there is and analog autopilot involved, the primary instruments must remain and remain in the original positions. Of course Garmin does not stand still so the scuttlebutt is that similar to Aspen's EA 100, there should be something announced soon. When this happens the flood gates will open and the vacuum pumps will become history. I have heard announcement possible at Oshkosh but only rumors. When/If this happens it will be a very nice option, especially combined with the GTN products. Personally I don't like Aspen, difficult to see for us bifocal guys, menu's too complex, no simulator available for practice on a PC, etc. Plus dual G5's about half the cost of Aspen. And that EA 100 is very expensive. Hey GARMIN... HURRY UP, we are all waiting!
  8. On the chatter... G1000 sure looks nice, until it doesn't light up. Then, back to Garmin to fix and figure $10-20K to get the TV back on. Components easy to plug and play for repairs. Also I'd say the average recreational (IFR) flyer has a MUCH easier time in a non-glass environment, all those fancy glass features two and three menu levels deep are very easy to forget and difficult to remain current and proficient on. GFC 700 for sure a nice autopilot, that would be a nice to have not need to have. My KFC-150 with altitude pre-select works quite nice however I still prefer hand flying approaches. Similar with GPSS, I have the GPS part, steering for me not why I go flying, again prefer hand flying, even in the Boeing. If GPSS is desired an Aspen will provide it at a reasonable cost and my guess is Garmin will soon announce an analog autopilot interface for the G5, maybe a better solution. Couple of G5's for A/I and HSI will be a fantastic and economical solution with a LOT less power draw than G1000's. Cirrus, Columbia and other plastic airplanes nice, but I think easily $100K more on the low end, upwards to + $300K. Worth it? For sure I would like A/C though. "Like" vs. "need" with this topic also. On fuel burn, my opinion is it's a non-issue. Think I average 15GPH but who's counting. Average flying of 100 or 200 hrs a year, not a consideration. If you need to ask the price... you probably can't afford it. Mooney vs. ANY twin, twins are: twice the maintenance, twice the cost, twice the training, doesn't fit in a standard T hangar, etc. Nobody making new twins for a reason, except specialty mission and training aircraft. In general, Bravo's are the best value on the market, just an opinion.
  9. Dear Godfather, 1. Yes, very well taken care of, to the extreme. It is an airplane after all, not a good place to skimp! 2. They do but typically if not otherwise taken care of. For instance, I installed new hoses, new mags, new alternators, new turbo last annual. Not because it was necessary but because I stay way ahead of any issues. The engine O/H should be problem free, possibly a little creep if there is a case problem, but I doubt it. I understand not getting "everything back", which certainly is the case with avionics, but with the engine O/H cost it will put the airplane well within Vref valuation. It is a great deal at the current asking IF one is willing to fly to TBO and beyond, which I certainly would do Part 91 as long as vitals are good eg. oil analysis, compressions, smooth running, TIT normal, etc. In this case, I believe I'll get the value add back. 3. I agree, especially AI/HSI overhaul BUT seems the Garmin G5 will be a better option. I'm thinking by Oshkosh they will have a didital-analog converter so the KFC-150 will integrate. That's a better option and then vacuum pumps goodbye. Thanks for the comments!
  10. Hmmm... 25000+ hrs since 1975, never had a graphics monitor. Oil analysis for sure, not making metal is a good thing. Never LOP either, sure way for problems IMO. Good compression tells a lot and keep the oil clean. And frankly I am much more comfortable with 1900 hrs than with 10-200 hrs, again my opinion. Ran a C-210 500 hrs beyond TBO, smooth and strong. Fly right, listen to your engine! All those fancy gauges nice to have, but not need to have. All a matter of preference in the end though.
  11. I'll look for the thread, thanks. New plane may be no plane and world travels. Need to appease the better half. That's only a maybe, suspect something will end up in the hangar, got the hankering for a helicopter lately. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. 1994 M20M with $46,000 of new avionics and TKS. A fantastic and final offer this week only at $135,000. (firm). Mags, Alternators, and Turbo just overhauled (last annual) plus many hoses replaced. This is a zero squawk machine, fast and economical. About 1900 TT, so depends on Part 91 or not when owner decides to O/H, 2000 TBO. Airmark quote in hand for $40,500 to O/H. Compressions all mid 70's, oil analysis always perfect, airplane always hangared. Prop overhauled w/450 hrs on it. No damage history. Avionics: GTN-750, GNC-255 #2 Nav-Com, GMA-35 Audio Marker, GLD-88 Data Link, GTX-330ex Transponder, Flightstream-210 (iPad sync to Foreflight or Garmin Connext), MD-200 CDI (full ILS backup with GNC-255), MyGoFlight iPad panel mount plus iPad yoke mount plus custom USB panel mount power supply. WX-1000+ Stormscope. KFC-150 Autopilot with altitude pre-select. So here is the deal... 1. I am retired and traveling the world, don't need this airplane sitting around. 2. Seems nobody wants to buy a high time engine bird, thus the bargain price. 3. If it doesn't sell this week it's going in the shop for a reman eng, and will be back on the market later at a much higher price. Want a great bird at a very great price, time is now. Deduct avionics and TKS you've got a high performance airplane for less than the cost of a C-150. Sold with fresh annual, which should suffice as a pre-purchase. Off the market Friday 6/16. Feel free to call 892-1000 and that's in the five/zero/eight A/C. Airplane currently hangared at KAPF. Happy Flying!
  13. Read the installation notes, cannot be installed as primary if autopilot relies on HSI. As of this time there is no digital to analog translator, so don't get your hopes up if there is an autopilot involved. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Thanks for all the comments! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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