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  1. Hello. I'm upgrading to dual GI-275s (and I have a GNS 530, as well as a KFC-150, which is why I chose the GI-275s over G5's). My installer seems to think that my autopilot doesn't have GPSS capabilities. I realize now that's not accurate - but my question is: will the GPSS function be available automatically, or do I need to ensure that my installer configure the GI-275s specifically to make GPSS available? Thanks!
  2. Thanks for the recommendations! I'll definitely keep Steve Myers in mind for next year! I actually had him quote me some repair work on my cowl, but he was quite a bit higher than another highly recommended shop near me for that work.
  3. Wondering whether anyone has a recommendation for a shop at KOSH or nearby to do my annual (1991 MSE). I'm having avionics work done at that field and was just asked if I could bring the plane in early April for 4-5 weeks (previously we discussed July). I'll be out of annual at the end of April, so it'd be ideal if I could have an annual done at the same time or right afterwards without needing to move the plane. Thanks in advance for any recommendations!
  4. Thanks for the responses. I suspect that the tab is somehow bent incorrectly (I'll need to PT20J's picture to mine when I get to the airport next) OR that there's dirt/friction (I actually don't think it moves very freely - it seems to move okay in the top third of its range, but gets stuck there). I'm guessing WD40 is a bad idea- but happy to hear suggestions on cleaning it and getting it to move freely. Thx!
  5. Yup - I adjusted the tab all the way up (up is early warning) per the instruction above before my BFR. Still didn't work at all.
  6. Well - it's been quite a while since I started this post - but bringing the thread back to the original issue...I did my BFR last week and took the plane into full stalls (yes-with abrubt wing drops) and the horn didn't come on at all. It still checks fine on the ground. Does anyone have any thoughts on or recommendations on where to have it serviced? I'm in Chicago, and my regular mechanic (an extremely reputable shop - but doesn't specialize in Mooneys) is telling me that they can't do anything short of replacing the entire system.
  7. That's right - no issues when I test it on the ground.
  8. Thanks. I haven't tried slow flight yet since I've been breaking my engine in from an overhaul (trying to maintain higher power settings/internal pressures). I'll try slow flight shortly and also send some pictures of the stall vane. Thx
  9. HI all. I have a 1991 MSE and the stall horn appears to work just fine when I test it during my preflight. However, I never hear the horn when I land (and I generally do fully stall prior to touch down). Wondering if maybe the tab isn't properly aligned or maybe bent incorrectly. Has anyone else ever dealt with this? My shop isn't much help. Thanks
  10. Thanks!
  11. Does anyone know why Flame Engineering stopped selling Red Dragon heaters? I've had one for more than 10 yrs - and it seems to have a recurring problem in the valve or regulator. I'm hooking it up to full propane tanks, but only showing about 5lbs of pressure (max - when pressing the boost button for ignition) and it won't light. Not sure if they still support existing units?
  12. Hi all. My tail strobe (strobe only - not a position light) has burnt out - and it looks like a replacement is over $400! (I'm in a 1991 MSE). This price sounds pretty ridiculous to me! Has anyone replaced their tail strobe recently? Does this price seem right? (anyone have a line on a cheaper option?) Thanks!
  13. Does anyone have a part number for the tail strobe light on a 1991 MSE? Seems mine is burnt out, and a shop quoted me $300. (To be fair, they suggested that I don't buy it from the shop).
  14. Thanks, everyone for the helpful replies!
  15. Hi All: The rubber bracket that holds my exhaust pipe in place under the cowling is mostly cracked. Does anyone have a part number or explanation of where I can find a replacement part? I think the current one was fashioned from an old tire by my mechanic. Would also be grateful if anyone has a part number for the tail strobe for my plane. Shop quoted me about $300 - would hope that I can find for less. This is for a 1991 M20J (Really an MSE). Thnx
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